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Escort Service to start April 18

LOWELL, MA- On the heals of Steve and Keith's announcements regarding their team's names, Greg Ouellette officially named his team on Tuesday.  The franchise which is set to play in the league's very first game against the Mustangs will be called "The Escort Service."  The name is a tribute by Greg to his car, a Ford Escort.  Steve's team is of course named after another automobile made by Ford.

The news also comes after word that the Mustangs' and Escort Service's rosters will undergo some shuffling.  Sothey Long has recruited a new player, Ron Sim, to join Greg's team.  Because of this news, Mike "Nelly" Nelligan who was expected to be on Greg's team will instead be transferred to Steve's team.  Also, Joey Higson will be sent from the Mustangs to the Escorts.  The Mustangs will then get the rights to previously unassigned Nick Lutz, a player who Corey said he preferred over Joey anyway.

In other news, James Higson announced that he will not be able to play on April 18, however is interested in competing when he has the time.  He has been removed from the Mustangs' 5-man roster and is now unassigned. 

Also Angeluis Nales may not be able to attend the game between the Mustangs and Escort Service.  Wilson Rith would take over for him as referee if he cannot attend.