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Escort Service-Mustangs Post Game Notebook
April 20, 2004
There are some who claim the loss in last Sunday's game should go to Team Animosity, rather than the Mustangs.  While it will not, their point is well taken, more members of Team Animosity (3, Keith Ouellette, Matt Hurley and Ryan Shockley) played for the Mustangs than actual Mustangs team members (2, Steven Ostis and Corey Pinkham).  It has since been learned that the other three members of the Mustangs had legitimate excuses for not being there.

Sothey Long of the Escort Service was named the Player of the Game and the First Star after his "Grand Slam" performance, getting touchdowns rushing, receiving, passing, and defensively.  Steven Ostis was the game's second star with 15 passing TDs and Corey Pinkham's 8 receiving TDs were enough for him to be named the third star.

Even though the season has begun, the rosters are not yet totally set in stone.  Most players will not be affected, however there is some talk about whether Joey Higson, who was originally assigned to the Escort Service, or Nick Ostis, who was an unassigned free agent but played for the Escorts on Sunday, will be given the permanent slot on the roster.  Nick may be called upon to play a game or two for the Crazy 98 while Patrick and Jon Casserly are still out in UMass Amherst.  It is expected that once those two are available, he will be placed on a roster, possibly uniting with his brother Steve and his friend, Nick Lutz on the Mustangs.  However, the good work he did as a member of the Escort Service (10 rushing yards, 14 receiving yards and a TD) may cause that lineup to become permanent.

Gina Ouellette was supposed to be the chains girl for the game, however, she quit in frustration shortly after the start.  The Commissioner expects to ask her to continue to help out, but perhaps in another position.

Team Animosity may end up changing their name.  Keith named it that because his band (whose members are also the members of the team) was going to be called "Animosity." However, apparently, that name has been taken, meaning that the band needs a new name.  It remains to be seen if the new band name will carry over to the football team.

James Ostis has announced that the next league game will likely take place on Sunday afternoon May 2nd, with Team Animosity taking on a team, probably the Crazy 98.  There also may be a game 6 days later on Saturday May 6th.  The only variables are Angel Nales's softball commitments and the tiny chance that Patrick and/or Jon Casserly will make the trip into town for a game.