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Seabiscuit: An American Legend

  First there was Spider Man, Tobey MacGuire’s movie debut, where he played a loser of sorts who got super powers. He did an excellent job at acting like a normal guy. Well, his performance was solid in Seabiscuit as well for just the same reason. He played a normal guy, just trying to succeed in the dog-eat-dog world of horse racing.
So instead on dwelling on Tobey, let’s get into the movie itself. I was impressed by the plot, and I find it equally hard to believe that it was based on a true story. It starts out like a standard underdog story. Tobey’s character is abandoned by his family during the Great Depression because they can’t afford to feed him. He has to race horses just to make enough money to survive. Add in a rich man, a wise old trainer, and a crazy horse. It’s the perfect setup for an underdog-comes-ahead story, but the ending is anything but what the viewer expects.
Seabiscuit has an excellent plot. Tobey MacGuire is playing a role perfect for himself. If you want to see a feel-good movie and learn a little history (unless you were actually paying attention in history class), go see Seabiscuit. Four stars out of...I haven’t decided yet. Just see it.

posted by mathkid on Friday, September 12, 2003 

Dickie Roberts: Former Child Star

  The first movie i will review will be.....Dickie Roberts:(former) child star. After watching this movie, i think it should more appropriatly be called...David Spade:Former good actor. Now i liked david spade with chris farley, but he just plain sucks by himself. After Joe Dirt i didnt really think Spade would actually make another movie. The movie goes like this. "Dickie Roberts" used to play a little shit on a sitcom, you know those child stars like the olsen twins, except little dickie roberts grows up to be a loser with no child hood and not a pair of ultra-fine ladies. Anyways, he wants to get a new movie whose director is....ROB REINER. Yes, Rob Reiner also known as meathead from all in the family, also starring our favorite jabba the hut impersonator, Sally Struthers!!! But back to topic, Reiner tells dickie he needs to have had a childhood in order to get the part in Reiners new movie. So Dickie hires a family. What follows is basically this: Asshole boyfriend, Wacky adventures, Hair Dye Job. After watching this movie, i wanted to hit Spade in the face with a shovel. This movie does have redeeming points though. Cameo's by Leif Garret, Emmanuel Lewis and greg from the brady bunch. Oh and an ultrafine MILF. All in all i give this movie 2 out of 5 monkeys.
posted by Bruno on Friday, September 12, 2003 


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