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The journal, (also known as a "weblog" or "blog") is the place where I electronically express all my crazy ideas and opinions. I should add something every day if I can, but some days just drain all of my good juicy rantings, so there's nothing left to type. I'll try to add something at least twice a week. If you feel you have enough patience, or are just really, really on. Some of it makes sense, but most of it is just the overflow of stuff floating around in my head. Which scares even myself sometimes...anyway....hope you enjoy.






Sunday, March 16, 2003

It's 3 in the AM, and I'm up putting together this crazy web site. I just finished watching "Scoobie Doo" the movie with Michelle. I knew it was Scrappy all along. Sorry if I ruined the ending if you haven't seen the movie yet. Just save yourself the trouble. If I had a sharpened pencil nearby while I was having to sit through that hideous arrangement of crap, then I would have willingly stabbed my own eyes out.

Well, it sounds like Ava is asleep now. There's no telling for how long. She is definately a night owl. I wish I had her energy. Well, I'm going to try and take advantage of this quiet time and try to get some winks in myself.

Until next time,-SG

Sunday, March 16, 2003

8:45 pm. I'm preparing to upload this "new" site to my webspace. Hope everything comes out okay.

Sunday, March 16, 2003

9:45 pm. Looks like everything went well with the upload. The pics page takes a while to load if you're on a slow connection, but all the links seem to work fine. If you do find a broken link, e-mail me. Now, I''m going to eat me some pizza.


Monday, March 17, 2003

1:40 am. What's crack-a-lak-in everybody. Michelle's making cookies, baby's in her swing babbling away, and daddy's staring at a computer monitor. I just watched an episode of "Aqua Teen Hunger Force" from the Adult Swim block of Cartoon Network. That show is damn funny. If you've never seen it before, then you should check it out. Go to to see when it's on. Again, it's damn funny. I almost peed my pants. I love that stuff. By "stuff", I mean the show, not the pee.



Monday, March 17, 2003

12:35 pm. Happy St. Patrick's Day everybody! Getting ready to head to work and I'm not wearing a stitch of green. Living dangerously....I know. Speaking of living dangerously, looks like we're going to war with ol' Sadaam out in Iraq. Poor guy won't know what hit him.


Tuesday, March 18, 2003

2:30 pm. Well, I survived St. P-diddy's day without one pinch or bruise. It was really hard trying to sell the theory that since the color white is actually a reflection of the full spectrum of color, including all shades of green, that my white underwear actually count as a festive accessory. After explaining this theory, most pinchers would scammer away with a confused look on their faces. Knowledge wins this battle!

FYI: If you are a young poffessional looking young man, out in public, especially in a bookstore, and you are approached by another young proffessional looking young man with some sort of folders in his hand, then keep away. These people usually start out by asking "so what do you do? do you do it full time? do you like it?". Don't let them get any further. It's always the same thing. "You might be interested in my internet e-commerce business. If you come to our weekly meeting in so and so hotel, we'll show you how to set up your own website, so comsumers can buy a bunch of crap from you and make you filthy stinking rich. It's that simple." What a bunch of crap. More research by myself into these internet e-commerce schemes reveal that they are simply pyramid programs, which by the way are illegal. I get approached at least once almost every time I go out. At Target, the bookstore, grocery store, even at work. It's getting really old. I started to become very mean and rude to these people just because I'm so sick of them harassing me everywhere I go.

There's also another one going around. Similar situation. Guy looks the same. It's "you look like you should do some acting/modeling. Im a talent scout with a company called Transcontinental talent....blah blah blah." The way this one works is they get you to go to their "studio" every Thursday night for about a month. You pay 50 to 100 dollars each time you go and they take pictures of you, like glamour shots. At the end, you supposedly have a "proffessional portfolio of your big ol' head shots" and they will mail out these pics to top model agencies way out there in California.

These scams are BS. The only people making money or fame from them are the people who started them. Everyone else loses out.

So keep your eyes open. When a clean cut looking person approaches you and initiates a small talk conversation, just be wary of what I told you. You could save yourself time and money by steering clear.

I only bring this topic up because yesterday at work, I was approached (again). I work in a sales/commission environment. When I spend 10-15 minutes answering a potential customer's questions and trying to sell them a product, just for them to turn around and try to sell me on their get rich quick scheme, it really pisses me off. I could have actually been selling to a real customer and making real money off of it. No, this guy wasted my time and didn't buy a damn thing from me. I got nothing from our little interaction except for an earfull of crap. He had no intention of buying anything. His only intention was to small-talk me enough so he could ease in his sales pitch into the conversation. I don't have time for that stuff at work. Isn't that technically soliciting? I promptly told him what he could do with the rest of his sales pitch and bade him a good day.

Do these people represent the state of the economy today? Has it gotten so bad that these individuals are stooping to the lowest form, just to try and make ends meet? I almost feel bad for them, wandering aimlessly around, looking for that easy target.

It's a sad state of affairs folks.


Tuesday, March 18, 2003

10:45 pm. I just got finished with my taxes. I did them electronically with a program called "Taxcut". Of course both the federal and the state versions cost 25 bones a pop. Then there's the $25.00 "electronic filing" fee. But to their credit, somewhere along the line they at least offered some mail in rebates for the state software and the "electronic filing" fee. Now if I could just find those rebates. After filing, you get to wait a day and then the feds and the state accept your returns online and you are notified. Then you get to print some electronic signature form, fill it out, and mail it in. Of course my printer is broken. After reading the fine print, I find out that the electronic signature form you're supposed to print out, fill out, and mail in....absolutely has to be postmarked the very next business day. NO EXCEPTIONS......maybe if they printed that little rule in BOLD! then I would have seen it sooner. Man, are these people some shady bastards or what? Luckily, my sister Shelby, who lives across the street, let me use her printer. I printed the form, filled it out, mailed it in. Now we'll see if I have to pay some penalty because the software programmers don't know how to type in friggin' BOLD!

But after all is said and done, I'm finished with my taxes.


Wednesday, March 19, 2003

3:30 am. Can't sleep. Nothing to talk about. I would talk about the inevitable war in Iraq, but that's all you're going to see on the TV for the next few.....well....a long time. I'll try to keep the war talk to a minimum.

I think I'll type the English Alphabet. Here we go....follow along now...


The preceding list is in alphabetical order.

Thank you for your time.


Wednesday, March 19, 2003

3:35 am. I decided to make all the dates bold. If you noticed before, they were not.

I am so, so, very tired.........


Wednesday, March 19, 2003

2:45 pm. Michelle's sister Nicole stopped by today. She lives in Tennessee and is in town for a wedding. We're all glad to see her.

Events on the news: 17 Iraqi soldiers surrender to our American forces on the border of Iraq today. Says alot about the morale of the people of that country right now. Does Sadaam have as many people supporting him as he thinks?


Wednesday, March 19, 2003

4:45 pm. Just downloaded this cool theme for my computer. I got it from . In windows xp, the cute bubbly interface is just a "skin" applied over the normal windows interface. With the windowblinds program, you can download or create your own skins. There are also programs to re-skin other application like the System Performance/Clock. The one I have is in the upper left hand corner of the screenshot. It also shows my windows media player skin. You can change your logon screens and I even installed a new icon packager, so my icons match my theme. It's not that memory intensive to run all these things. Go to the site and check it out. The best part is that it's all free.

If you want to know how I got a picture of my computer screen, I used a screen-shot program I downloaded for free from . It's called "Howie's Quick Screen Capture".


Thursday, March 20, 2003

8:30 pm. As I watch the coverage of the war on TV, I can't help but think to myself, "If any acts of war or terrorism happen here in Raleigh, how can one go about defending his or herself if they don't actually own any guns or pointy sticks?" Well, being resourceful like the boyscouts taught me, I realized that there were weapons all around me. Especially in the trees. Eating nuts and berries. Yes, squirrels.

Thus to you today, I introduce the "Squirrel Bomb"....nature's hand grenade.



Remember, only use in an emergency, tread lightly on public lands, and most importantly, have fun.....



Friday, March 21, 2003

7:40 pm. In the News, I saw them bomb the hell out of Iraq today. No word on the whereabouts of ol' Sadaam and his boys.

Last night I saw one of the most incredible musical performances ever. Yes, I said "ever". Let me fill you in on some background info first.

About a month ago, myself and two good friends of mine, Robert and Joel, went to see the band "CKY" play at "Ziggy's" in Winston Salem. The show was great. However, it seemed the CD that we listened to as we drove interested me more. Robert works at a local music store and he discovered this CD one day and got hooked. The guy's name is "Bob Log III" and he is on the label "Fat Possum". It seems that the label is known for signing kinda weird, underground blues artists. Robert then goes on to explain, as he shows me the CD cover that Mr. Long is a one man band. He plays slide guitar, Bass drum on the right foot, crash on the left foot, and the best part is this: He wears a motorcycle helmet with a built in microphone in the windscreen during his entire performance! His musical style is blues and that primarily comes from his slide guitar. By the way, his is also unoffically known as the "fastest slide guitarrist in the world". Anyway, apart from the slide guitar, that's where the similarities to blues end. It's hard to explain, you just have to hear it. I promise you this: (1) you haven't heard anything like it. (2) It totally kicks an elephants ass! I mean it "rocks" for all you non "Wesley Willis" fans out there.

Anyway, back to the concert. We heard he was coming to town to play at "Kings Barcade" in downtown Raleigh. I had to go. Robert got the tickets and his girlfriend Katie drove us. Bob had three opening acts. The first one, "Dragstrip Syndicate", definately kicked ass. The second band, "Drunken Horse", not even worth mentioning. The third act Bob brought with him from Tuscon, AZ. They were known as "Bebe and Serge". Words cannot describe their performance. Seriously, I don't think we've discovered or made up any vocabulary that would do it justice. But it rocked too. Then Bob came out on-stage. He was dressed in a brown jumpsuit with tassels up the arms and legs, and of course his silver motorcycle helmet with orange tint windscreen, which housed an analog telephone handle that he fitted the microphone electronics into. He played mostly stuff from his newest album "Log Bomb". The crowd's favorite was the single he has a video for. "Boob Scotch" was definately the highlight of his set list. To get some audience interactivity, he asked for a young lady to dip her boob in his scotch, (which by the way is on the rocks....and yes she did dip it.......) then he drank it down.

"Boob Scotch on the Rocks!!!"

We were also fortunate enough to meet the elusive alter ego of the masked man onstage. Some insider information secretly revealed to our party the identity of "Bob Log III", who never performs without his helmet. We didn't just rush him, we respected his dual identities, so we just admired from afar. While Robert and Myself were watching one of the opening bands warm up, Robert's girlfriend Katie sat at the bar. Wouldn't you know it but the undercover Mr. Long came up to get a drink at the bar and struck up a conversation with her. It didn't take long until the cat was out of the bag. Soon Robert and myself were over there too. He signed posters, and small talked for a while....hell of a nice guy. Later on he even posed for a picture, out of costume, with Robert and Katie. I was behind the lens. I'll have some pics up later, but to protect the identity of Bob, I'll blur his face out.

Anyway, I'm getting carpal tunnel from typing so I'll make this long story short.

"Bob Log III" is an awesome artist and definately worth checking out. Especially if you're tired of all that corporate rock/pop crap that's on the radio these days.

Go see his site at



Sunday, March 23, 2003

2:55 am. Just finished watching episode 4, season 1 of the "Sapranos". A friend from work let me borrow the first season DVD set. See, I don't have HBO because this poor white cracker can't afford it. I couldn't really understand all the hype about this show until I really started watching it. Now Michelle and I are completely addicted. I know I'm a late bloomer on this, but I'm glad I'm watching them now.

I just typed in this very spot a big old paragraph about operation "Iraqi Freedom", but looking back at it and remembering that I said I'd keep the war talk to a minimum, I decided to delete it. It wasn't really making a point anyway. I'll just reinforce my stance that I support military actions against mad men and their armies. Some people don't agree with me and that's fine....that's what makes this country so can have an opinion....and to me, that's worth protecting and defending. And, if that means taking out some evil tyrants that have threatened our freedoms in the past, and probably will again in the future, then so be it. God Bless America.


Sunday, March 23, 2003

9:55 pm. Just another boring day. The weather was beautiful for most of the day. I hope it carries over to tomorrow. Michelle and I want to take Ava to a park and have some fun outside.

At work, Jeannie gave me a fat upper lip when she slung a heavy, metal pen cap straight at me. She didn't mean it, but it hurts really bad. The pain is such that I have taken to alcohol to wash away the agonizing pain, numbing my face. Hopefully, there won't be any permanent scarring, at least not physical anyway............just kidding Jeannie. I just wanted to bust your chops a little......though, I still can't get over you not liking the movie "Signs"......Anyway.......until next time.


Sunday, March 23, 2003

10:25 pm. I was cleaning out my e-mail folders and I came across this one I sent to Michelle to test my e-mail link...maybe you'll get a kick out of it too....Here goes.

"This is a test of the emergency e-mail system. If this were an actural emergency, local authorities would instruct you with direction to the safest locations. Then you would proceed to eat alot of poop. It would be so good and greasy that you would ask for more, but because everyone else thinks that the poop is so good, it's almost gone. You'll probably get worried, and that might lead to an ulcer. That ulcer will probably make you poop real good. I would suggest eating the poop before anyone else saw it, so you could have all of that good stuff to yourself. But remember, most of all, don't panic and stay away from exterior windows and doors. Hide in a tub if you have to. You could pretend you're a turtle or something. They like water. But not as much as fish do. Fish really like water. Sandra Bullock is a proud sponsor for water. But she also eats fish like a freakin' whale. Sometimes when I squeeze my pinky finger really good, I can see big green elephants. And you know what they're doing???...Eatin' poop! Yep, that's right......just filling their cake-holes all up with that brown ecstacy. Again, this has been a test of the emergency E-mail system."

The maniacal rantings of a mad man. Someday we'll all look back and laugh, and laugh! Ha!Ha!Ha!....Poop!



Monday, March 24, 2003

9:00 pm. I've added some pictures from the Bob Log III concert to the pics page.

Click Here to check them out.



Wednesday, March 26, 2003

1:55 am. Man, what a boring day....I was so bored, I added that cool little red stripe you see on the left of this, huh?


Thursday, March 27, 2003

1:15 am. Had the day off. Michelle had to work, so Ava and I slept till 2:00. It was great. When Michelle got home from work, we drove out to the new Triangle Towne Center. Man, was that place dead. The merchants were licking their lips at every potential customer that walked by. I think I only saw one couple with bags in their hands. I don't know how that place stays in business. Of course, we didn't buy anything from there either.. Maybe everyone is kinda like us....broke and tired of sitting at home listening to what's happening in Iraq. I don't know. Hopefully things will pick up when the economy jumps back to life.


Thursday, March 27, 2003

2:15 am. Just added a site to the Links page. I found this cool site It's a really well designed site for some digital media....stuff.....well I'm not exactly sure what it's purpose is other than to showcase some awesome digital artwork. But despite that one flaw of making you work for and think about the information that is being displayed, it's still a great site. Check out the "Versus Project". It's a collage of artwork from lots of different designers. It's kinda like a big wall of digital graffiti. I love that stuff.


Sunday, March 30, 2003

11:00 pm. Sorry, I haven't put anything up in a while. News has been slow. Michelle and I would like to thank Nick and Julie for the dining room set they gave us. I just finished watching the movie "The Ring". Thumbs down, my friends. I don't see what all the hype was about. Oh, don't get me wrong, the story and cinematography were great. So was the acting. It just didn't get me stirring like I thought it was going to. From what my friends at work were saying, I should have crapped my pants at a few points during the film. While watching it, I even insisted that we leave some lights on, because everyone built me up that it was going to scare every little shaven hair off of my white, dry-scalped head. Maybe if I had seen it at the theater like everyone else.

This past Thursday at work, I was so bored I made this monstrosity of a paper airplane. I wish I had a picture of it. I think it tells the story of a very bored artist, who placed in any given environment, will find some way to express his feeling, emotions and ideas. My medium happened to be a pad of "give us your e-mail address!" forms and staples. You don't understand. Without a picture of it, I can't do it justice. Just realize that this extrordinary bird of flight (yes, even over a foot long, it actually flew pretty good) was cool enough that I thought it deserved a mention. It did consume a three hour shift at work after all.

Till next time........


Monday, April 7, 2003

10:45 pm. It's been a long time guys and girls. I apologize for my tardiness. Especially to my sister. So, you're moving to Louisianna eh?....Guess I'll have to update this thing more often, to keep you up to date.

I've been busy working, so has Michelle. Ava's great.....almost rolling over now.

I've also been putting together a new resume/portfolio site. I was never satisfied with the first one, which took to long to load. The current one, I put together in a few hours. I never really liked it. The one I'm designing now should impress any would-be potential employer. Here's a preliminary screen shot of the Home page.

Cool huh?

You guys know anybody that needs any web work done, send them my way, I could use the experience.


Tuesday, April 8, 2003

10:45 pm. Twenty-four hours later, I put up my new portfolio/resume site. Still working out some little details.....let me know what you think so far.


Wednesday, April 9, 2003

9:00 pm. I just wanted to talk about "customer service" in general tonight. Since I'm in a retail position I have to have "customer service" spewing out of all of my orafices at every moment. It just really makes me angry when you are genuinely trying to help and assist a customer, to the best of your mere mortal abilities, and they're still an Asshole to you. "Yeah, this thing I bought broke, that means it's a piece of crap, and so are you, Mr. Retail Customer Service Man. Yes, that sounds nice. I'm going to take all my rage out on you because I'm sure that in your free time (because us "retail" folk have alot of it...) you visit the plant that manufactures this piece of crap, and personally see to it that the very product I was going to buy was going to have one single LED lamp faulty on it just so I would have the inconvenience of getting off my lazy American ass and having to drive my Ford Taurus all the way to the Mall to bitch at you and generally be an annoyance to anyone affiliated with your company."

"That's right Mr. Asshole customer, while I'm not working my full-time job, loving my Wife, raising my daugher, doing my taxes, washing dishes, paying bills, grocery shopping, fixing my car, getting my car inspected, taking the cat to the vet, checking my voicemail, changing diapers, bathing, eating, sleeping for sometimes (if I'm lucky), 5 hours, keeping in touch with family and friends, celebrating holidays, saving for a house and generally living my life....yes, that's my free time....I scheme and plot against all my customers...especially you, Mr. Asshole...whom I despise the most. You are obviously such an important part of my life that I dedicate ALL my free-time, trying to piss you off, just so I can see your happy face again when you come back in my place of work to rip me a new one, because one single LED does not light....sometimes."

Do people not have anything better to do on their days off than come to the mall and make every employee of a certain retail store hate and despise you. Enough of that crap will eventually burn a bad impression on us "Retail Professionals", and we will only start to expect bad attitudes from every customer. That's when "customer service" really disappears. There should be laws. If you're helping someone (even though, you had absolutely nothing to do with it..) with their problem, and you're doing the best damn job you can, and they even mutter one bad syllable towards you should get to jab an inkpen right in their throat. Yep, right into, and puncturing the esophogas. This should be a law. It would make them think nextime..."Man, that inkpen to the throat really hurt bad. Maybe I'll try being nice and friendly this time. I'm sure that even though I am ignorant, and this "nice" concept makes no sense to me at all....that will ensure that I get the best customer service possible. It will also ensure that I won't get another bloody hole in my neck."

I think I've vented enough.....this stuff really bugs me.


Wednesday, April 16, 2003

2:55 pm. It's been said before, and it will be spoken again......sometimes I feel like a nut, sometimes I don't.

Thursday, April 17, 2003

2:55 am. I made a cake tonight. Haven't done that in a while. Strawberry with chocolate frosting. Chopped nuts (what kind of nut, only Mrs. Crocker knows...) sprinkled on top. Mind you, when I said "made" I meant I followed precisely the directions printed on the back of a Duncan Hines strawberry flavored cake mix box. Add 3 eggs, oil (it doesn't even matter what I used HD-45...I like that heavy duty stuff...), a little water and mix it up. Bake at 350-ish until no wet stuff on a tooth pick. Even monkeys can't mess that up. Seriously, I saw a special on Discovery about it. Damn monkeys in the kitchen. Beats all, doesn't it?

On another note, I'm thinking about getting a tattoo for my 26th birthday this July. Here's a design I had in mind. I created it myself, of course. You can see a larger version on my pics page.


I'm out.-SG

Thursday, April 17, 2003

12:15 am.

Just about every night when I go to bed, I'll play a little Tetris on my Gameboy before I head off to sleep. Just like some people read books, I play a little Tetris to unwind and help me get to sleep.

Last night was no exception. I usually play until I lose, just to see how high of a level I can get to. I think my personal best is level 13. You see, for some reason, unlike the rest of the gaming community, when I play Tetris my goal is to see what level I can reach, not achieving a high score.

Yes, I'm weird. I let the blocks fall, and I clear them out. Line by line. I've had this game for the Gameboy since 1989. Fourteen years I've had this game and my goal has always been the same. Since I was twelve years old, I clear them out line by line to get to a higher level as quickly as possible. If you take that approach usually it's a fairly low scoring game. But last night, I decided to try something different. I decided to try and get the highest score I could, just for giggles.

Around level 10 things got out of control and I lost. My score was just over 100,000 points. I didn't think much of it because I never really kept up with my high score before, so I had no reference point. 100,000 points....big deal. Then all of a sudden, in a moment that I will remember for the rest of my life, right there on that 1.2 inch LCD screen, something magical happened.

You see, when I usually play Tetris, nothing exciting really happens. Turn on the Gameboy, start playing, play till you lose, then turn it off and go to sleep. But last night, it was a revelation.

After the game ended a screen appeared with a rocket ship on it's lauch pad! I was amazed. The rocket ship ignited and launched straight into orbit. It dissappeared right off the top of the screen. Then, just as quickly as the scene was gone. Shocking!! After fourteen years of playing this game, FOURTEEN YEARS!!!! DAMNIT!!, I discovered something I had never seen before. It felt kinda special. It's as if my old friend of fourteen years finally knew and trusted me enough to share with me something it hasn't shown anyone else before. It was a moment for just myself and Tetris. Nothing else mattered at that moment. It was pure bonding between my flesh and emotions with silicon and pixels on an LCD screen. Then it was over......after the happiness passed, sorrow filled my heart. Never again will I play Tetris and think of it the same way. An era has ended. I've grown up and so has Tetris.

Then I rolled over and went to sleep.

The End.



Thursday, April 17, 2003

12:40 am. I forgot to mention that earlier this week, we had Fred, our cat CASTRATED!! HA HA!!! My ultimate revenge! He can ruin all my belongings....I'll get new ones....but he will never be able to get back those two important things that really make him a male cat. Who wins this battle?....HA HA HA HAAAA!!!!!!!!


Saturday, April 19, 2003

1:35 am. I'd like to again thank Robert for all the cool "Foo Fighters" stuff he gave me. Especially that big ol' foam core poster. It kicks a monkey's ass. I'm slowly accumulating enough cool stuff to put in that bar I want to build in my basement. I would also like to congratulate Robert and Katie. They're getting hitched in Vegas this June. Elvis will be performing the ceremony. Michelle and I can't attend, but we plan to view the special event through the chapel's web cam.


Saturday, April 19, 2003

11:15 pm. I took out the red stripe on the left again......just didn't like it today for some reason.

Sunday, April 20, 2003

6:45 pm. Happy Easter everybody!. Michelle, Ava and I went to church this morning. It was the very first time Ava attended a church service. She did great. Everyone loved her cute little Easter outfit with bonnet. It was also the first time since Michelle and I were married that we have seen the Pastor who married us, Dwayne Millioni. It was good to see him again and we're going to try and attend church regularly since our work schedules aren't as bad on Sundays now.

Till next time...


Tuesday, April 22, 2003

2:50 am. Ava is sleeping's incredible. She hasn't fallen asleep this early in at least a week. I can't believe I'm up on this stupid computer and not trying to sleep myself. Well, I'm going to go now, but with my luck Ava will wake up as soon as my head hits the pillow. Michelle and I are slaves to her sleep pattern. Wish us luck....


Tuesday, April 22, 2003

3:00 am. Well that was fun while it lasted. I didn't even sign off the computer before she woke up. .......Oh, she just passed a little gas.....isn't that cute......Well, I'm off again.


Wednesday, April 30, 2003

12:55 am. Sorry, haven't updated in a while. Been busy. You know how it goes.

I just finished putting together a site for my brother-in-law, Nathan. If you want to check it out got to . It was made as a project for one of his classes. I hope it does well for him.

Ava went to the pediatrician again this past Monday (the 28th) for her four month visit. She weighed in at 12lbs. and 3oz. and she was 23 inches long! She also recieved four more shots of various vaccines and what have you. The doctor said she is doing extremely well and is perfectly healthy. She also gave us the go-ahead to start feeding her some vegetables and rice cereal foods. I can't wait to discover the wonderful range of colors displayed in her diaper upon digesting these new food stuffs. This is the moment an artist like myself has to wait a long time for. My medium; baby food. My pallette; Ava's diaper. My tool for applying the medium; Ava's very active digestive system, or more specifically her very talkative behind. Hey, art is art, am I not right?

Till we meet again...


Thursday, May 8, 2003

2:00 am. Just got finished giving Ava a bath. Yes, at 2:00 am in the morning. Let me remind you that Ava has us trained on her own schedule. Anyway, it was tonight that I really noticed something about my beautiful daughter. She is always furiously and aggressively trying to eat her own fists. It seems as if she hates them to no end and has decided to end the whole thing by digesting them. I don't mean she is just being cute and sucking her thumb. It's as if she can see into the future and has been shown a world where poverty is the only way of life and all food has been abolished. People have been forced to eat their own appendages for survival. Maybe I should try it. I don't really use my hands that much anymore anyway.


Thursday, May 22, 2003

3:30 pm. Michelle and I celebrated our two year anniversary this past Monday the 19th. We finally saw "Matrix Reloaded" and "X-Men 2" that day. May I say that both movies were astounding and wildly entertaining. I'm still exploring different theories and suggestions about Matrix 2 both in my head and with my fellow Matrix nerds. The movie was great, yes. However, as of this moment, the first one will remain my favorite in the uncomplete Trilogy. Michelle liked X-Men 2 much more than I did. I can't wait to see if they put Gambit and Beast in the third one though. It was nice to see a cameo by Collossus in this one.

Well enough of the Geek talk.

Ava is rolling over like she's some kind of machine or something. As soon as you put her down, FLIP!, there she goes. Batten down the hatches and hide your children! Ava is finally mobile! She leaves this awesome trail of drool everywhere she goes, marking her already explored and conquered territory.

And she's off again! Till next time.


Saturday, May 24, 2003

3:00 am. Just added some art I created in a certain 3-D program to the pics page. Check it out.


Monday, June 16, 2003

9:00 pm. It's been a long time since I rock and rolled folks. Lots of stuff going on. The biggest recent news happened last night around 1:00 am in the morning.

Michelle and I were giving Ava a bath in her little tub nestled in the kitchen sink as usual. Ava has these little terri-cloth covered sponges shaped like little animals. She was playing with the one shaped like a little yellow duck. She grabbed the duck, now soaked with water, and put it right in her mouth and began to suck. I think she inhaled a substantial amount of water into her lungs because she stoppped breathing and her head turned red. Michelle and I took her out of the tub and down to the kitchen floor. She was struggling to breathe and her face was still red.

Unless you have children of your own, you have no idea how scared we were. Michelle called 911 as I held Ava draped over my left hand, while I patted her back with my right. She started coughing and straining to breathe. I kept patting her back and also put my finger in her mouth to clear out any possible obstructions. She finally threw up the contents of her stomach on the floor. After a little more coughing, she started to breath somewhat normally again.

Michelle said the lady on the phone was very nice and comforting. Not even 3 minutes later, a fire engine pulled up in our parking lot. They looked her over and said she should be fine, but would wait for the paramedics to get there. After the paramedics arrived the nice firemen departed. The two paramedics looked Ava over and poked and prodded and eventually concluded that she was perfectly healthy and fine. There wasn't any noise in her breathing or anything.

That relieved Michelle and I but we still didn't sleep well that night. This was our first run-in with an emergency with out child. It's funny, I can remember being in the emergency room plenty of times with my mother. She always seemed calm but concerned. Not until now, did I realize what she was actually going through. When you see your child in harm or in pain, you want to do whatever you can to make it stop. For a few moments last night, I felt utterly helpless...what do I do?....what if the paramedics don't get here on time? Is she going to be all right? I hated that feeling. I just wanted her to be alright and normal again.

Lesson learned: No more sponge toys in the bathtub.

In other news I'd like to wish my mother a Happy 50th Birthday!

Shelby, Daniel and I took her and Dad out to eat at the Kanki Japanese Steakhouse. She loves that place. So do we. We also got her some flowers and a silver bracelet with "Mom" engranved on the heart-shaped charm.

Yesterday was also father's day. It is the first father's day I could actually celebrate as a father. I enjoyed the morning with Michelle and Ava and the gifts they gave me.

Got to go now, Shelby just came over to borrow a phillips screw driver.