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There's a lot of miscellaneous pictures on this page. The majority of them are of Ava. We're like the paparazzi to the poor girl. She's going to have one heck of a photo album when she gets older. Hope you enjoy.








I want this mustang.
I'm thinking of getting this tattoo-d somewhere on my body for my birthday. Like the design? Well, you can't have it. It's an original Scott Masterpiece.
I created these pics with a 3-D program.
Desktop Wallpapers...
Click on the images to see the full size image. The full size ones are 1152 x 864 resolution. Once the larger picture loads, right click on it. Select "save picture as". Save it to a folder somewhere on your computer. Then open the file and right click and choose "set as desktop background" Enjoy!
Bob Log III concert at King's Barcade in downtown Raleigh...

Katie, Bob Log III, and Robert.

"Boob Scotch on the rocks, Yeah!"
Kick that drum, slide that guitar.
His lyrics are astounding.