Birthday: July 2nd 1982
Astrological Sign: Cancer
Nationality: English irish french german portugese italian
Location: New Bedford, Massachusetts
Marital Status: I love you with all my heart Mal. Nothing is ever going to change that
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Interests: Bikes, cars, computers, art, martial arts, music, lots and lots of music as I should say, and really anything that is fun to me
Religion: None
Turn On's: I like dark hair, dark eyes, nice personality, caring people, out going with a good sense of humor, belly's, giving back rubs, and of course nice butts.
Turn Off's: Drugs, stupidity, people that are close minded and a million other things.
Movies: All Jim Carrey, Adam sandler, bruce campbell, and fairuza baulk movies.
Bands: Red Hot Chili Peppers Led Zeppelin, Nile, The Misfits, In peices, Bury your dead, Ruiner, CALIBAN, Alice cooper, King Diamond, Death trheat, Sworn enemy, every time I die, Converge, Undying, Unearth, Tom Petty, The beatles, Leonard Skynard, Tool, Dr Dre, The red chord, seven day curse, the automata, foghat, SLAYER, rush, the ramones, black flag, rollins band, Danzig, Minor threat, The Rolling stones, NWA, Old metallica, Iron Fucking Maiden, Ignite, Dimmu Borgir, Old Mans CHild, Marduk, heaven shall burn, Iced Earth, Boston, Beethoven, Mozart, Bach, and many many many many many many many many many many many more. I can go all day but I will stop here!!!
Actors: Jim Carrey, Bruce Campbell, Adam Sandler, Nicholas Cage, John Travolta, Edward Norton, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Keanu Reeves, and others.
Actresses: Fairuza Balk, Angelina Jolie, Demi Moore, Ashley Judd, Hilary Swank, Halle Berry,and more.
Artists: Eric Boon, Devinci, pacaso, Ed nausmn, Mike platten, and anyone that puts their heart into their work.
Authors: Stephen King, Dr sues, and bruce campbell
Books: Go ask alice, If chins could kill, Nightmares and dreamscapes, Killing Game
Quotes: "Lifes a garden dig it" "Better to be pissed off than pissed on" "Keep on Keeping on"
Comments: eat my chode
E-Mail Address:
Web Site URL: dumb question
AIM Screen Names: UntilXtheXendX, I am XJOSHX, Xporsche951X
YAHOO!: xiwantyoutodiex
I am a pretty laid back type of person. I like to hang out with my friends talk cars and just laugh and do what people do. I am very different than everyone else but in the long run we are all the same. I have the best girlfriend in the world and I am building hte best car in the world so I am contantly smiles ear to ear. I used to have a ton of friends but I have slowly but sure picked a few important ones. I thaught some were important but I was just holding on to memories. I always try to look for a better future instead of hold on to the past. I learned how to do that the hard way. Well enough about me. get out of here!!!!!!!!