Technical Details
You want to know exactly how I proceeded ? Ok...
Here is nearly the way I proceeded :
You may need to log in as root.
First of all, you must delete any installed printers in the Print Center application, delete /Library/Printers/Canon directory and restart your computer. Then follow these steps :
Install the Canon S400 driver for Mac OS X. (S400 and not S400SP ! you can find it at )
Go to /Library/Printers/Canon/BJPrinter/PMs
Open S400PM.plugin and replace all the BJC-3000 or BJC3000 occurrences with BJC-XXXX or BJCXXXX (where XXXX should be an unexisting model!) in the files using HexEdit (It is important to use a hex or binary editor as a text editor will corrupt the binary file).
Note : Don't rename files in S400PM.plugin ! I mean you must keep all the filenames.
Look for « 400 » occurrences and replace S400 with BJC-3000 or BJC3000 (it depends where) only when S400 does not referto a file (S400ColorMedia or for example). In order to keep the code clean you should replace BJC-55 occurrences (which follows S400) with B5 or BJC6200 with S325. Note : you must keep all S400SP references. (S400 and S400SP are two different printers)
in the folder /Library/Printers/Canon/BJPrinters/Ressources/icons, duplicate S400.icns and rename it BJC3000.icns
Repeat step 3 for the BJPrinterUtility framework file. (/Library/Printers/Canon/BJPrinters/Frameworks/BJPrinterUtility.framework/version/A)
Restart your computer, open Print Center and add your BJC-3000 printer.Note : If you are running Mac OS X 10.2 or later, you must rename S400PM.plugin file to BJC3000PM.plugin. You will find thie file in /Library/Printers/Canon/BJPrinters/PMs