Worksheets 3

 All Your Life

The Work of the Group Secretary

Each member of the group must be secretary in turn. His work is to keep the records of the group and make sure that it works smoothly.

1. He collects the Group Minute Book from the Group Tutor at the beginning of the first session of the week.

2. He then calls a Group Meeting for Planning, acts as chairman of that meeting and makes notes on:
- those present
- the times of the beginning and ending
- the decisions taken.

3. He makes sure that all the items on the Work Sheet have been included in the Work Planned.

4. He brings the meeting to a close after about fifteen minutes.(He must try to persuade the members to discuss the plan quickly.)

5. He enters the week's plan in the Group Minute Book after the meeting. He signs and dates the entry.

6. He shows the Group Minute Book to the Group Tutor during the first session of the week (so that he may see the plan).
7. He is responsible during his week of office for the group's work.He must try to make the group keep to its plan, and make sure that the work is well done.
8. In making the plan he must remind the group that they must do some work towards those activities which are to be finished by the end of the month or the end of term and not just the work to be done in the week.

9. He must be able to tell the Group Tutor during the week about the progress of the group.

10. He should regularly check that the diaries of the members are being kept up to date, and sign each diary at the end of the week as proof that he has read it.

11. He must enter on the Work Done page of the GMB what has been done at each session and comment on the quality of the group activities. (Were they well done?)

12. He must make the declaration at the end of the entry on the Work Done page:
"I have checked and signed the diaries of all the members of the group and I am satisfied that all the individual and group work planned has been done.
(If all the work planned has not been done he should add "except for..." and give a list of all the activities which were not done).

13. He must sign and date the Group Minute Book, show it to someone else in the group to make sure it is correct and hand it to the Group Tutor before the end of the last session.

The secretary need not write a book review during his week of office because he has so many things to do.





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