Worksheets 5

 All Your Life

3. The Group Meeting to plan the week's work.

The first fifteen minutes of the first English session of the week should be used for a meeting to plan the week's work. You must decide at the meeting how the group is going to use the rest of the time for English during the week.

How to make a plan.
1. The Secretary collects the Group Minute Book from the Group Tutor.

2. The Group members should read the Work Sheet to remind themselves of the work which has to be during the week. 3. They should remember the long-term work which needs doing (such as the Group Project) to see if any needs to be done that week.

4. The Secretary should make a list on rough paper of all the things that have to be done.

5. Decide how much time you will need to spend on each activity that week. Don't forget to allow some time for Individual Activities.

6. Decide when the work will be done. You must decide on the times.

7. Don't forget to allow for the times when all the groups have to meet together, such as for Drama, for Intensive Writing and other special activities.

8. The Secretary writes up the plan in the Group Minute Book after the meeting and shows it to the Group Tutor. (The first fifteen minutes after the Group Meeting should be used for Individual Activities to give the Secretary time to do this.)

No activity should last more than 30 minutes.
There must be some Group Activities and some Individual Activities in each session.

When you have made your plan you must follow it during the week. If it does not work well find out why and make a better plan next time.

4. The Group Minute Book

The Group Minute Book is the record of the work done by your group. The Group Secretary looks after it and writes it up. The GMB is a record of two things. On the left-hand side is recorded the plan made at the Group Meeting. On the right-hand side is recorded the work done by the group.

The Group Minute Bok must be written up in the way shown in the examples. The Work Planned section is a record of the meeting for planniong at the beginning of the week. Each item must be numbered and the time decided on shown.
The Work Done section shows only the Group Activities. Each group activity described should have the same number as it has in the Work Planned section.

When writing up the Work Done section it is important to write exactly what work was done, not what ought to have been done.As well as saying what was done the Secretary should say whether the work was done well or badly, and whether the group worked well together or not.
The Group Minute Book should be given to the Group Tutor at the end of the last English session of the week.

At the end of the account of work done the secretary should write the declaration:

"I have checked and signed the diaries of all group members and I am satisfied that they have done all the individual and group work which was planned." (If not all the work has been done, he should add "except for..." and give a list of the work not done.)

Then he must sign his name and put the date.





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