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Chapter 4: Getting Help


Chapter Introduction

Windows has always come with online help--helpful information stored on your computer that you can look at using a Help command. Windows XP comes with online help, too, but this help is "online" in two senses: the help system includes help files stored on your computer's hard disk, as well as a connection to online help information via the Internet. You look at the online help stored on your own computer by using the Help And Support Center. When you are using a program, you can use its "question mark" Help button to find out what the items on the screen mean.

New in Windows XP is Remote Assistance, which enables you to allow a friend or coworker to take control of your computer over the Internet or a LAN to fix software problems you may have. Microsoft now also offers online newsgroups, discussion groups about all aspects of Windows.

note The Help And Support Center contains information about Windows XP and some of the programs and accessories that come with it. Other programs that come with Windows, and most third-party applications, have separate help systems. Most programs have two ways of displaying Help screens: Choose Help, Help | Contents, Help | Help, or Help | Topics from the menu bar, or press the F1 key.
