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Chapter 2: Running Programs


What Are Programs and Windows?

A program is a sequence of computer instructions that perform a task. Programs are stored in program files, which have the filename extension .exe or .com. When you run a program, your computer executes the instructions in the program file.

Programs can do several things at once; for example, a word processing program may be able to print one document while you edit another. One program can run several tasks or processes at the same time. Windows itself runs many tasks at the same time, including tasks that monitor the hard disk, screen, and keyboard; update the onscreen clock; and run programs on a schedule, for example. The heart of Windows is its capability to multitask, that is, to run many processes at the same time.

An application is a program that does real-world-oriented work. Word processors, spreadsheets, and databases are widely used types of applications. A systems program does computer-oriented work--an operating system like Windows itself is the most important systems program you use. Printer drivers (which control the actions of a printer) or disk scanners (which check disks for errors) are other examples of system programs. A utility is a small, simple, useful program (either a small application or a small systems program). Windows comes with many utilities, like Calculator and Notepad.

tip If you have user accounts on your system, you can run a program as if you logged in as another user, assuming that you know the user account's password.

Each program displays information in one or more windows--rectangular areas on the screen that display information from a running program.. Some windows are divided into sections called panes. To run more than one program at the same time, go ahead and run one program, then another, then another. The first program you run continues to run when the second program starts. Each program's window(s) can be minimized, maximized, or restored. A button appears on the taskbar for each program.

One window is always on top, which means it is the active window. The title bar of the active window is a different color than the title bars of all the other windows on your screen; in the default Windows desktop color scheme, the title bar of the active window is blue, while the other title bars are gray. Where the active window overlaps with another window, the active window obscures the other window.

Whatever you type on the keyboard is directed to the program in the active window. The programs in the other windows continue to run, but they don't receive input from your keyboard. To type information into a program, you switch the active window to a window displayed by that program.

16-Bit Versus 32-Bit Applications

Older personal computers process data 16 bits at a time. These 16-bit computers are based on older CPUs (central processing units), like the Intel 8088 and 80286.

Newer personal computers process data 32 bits at a time. These 32-bit computers are based on newer CPU chips, like the Intel 80386, 80486, Pentium, and Pentium Pro.

DOS and Windows 3.1 run on both 16-bit and 32-bit computers. Windows 9x, Me, NT, 2000, and XP, as well as Linux and OS/2, all require 32-bit computers.

Some programs are designed to run with DOS and Windows 3.1; these programs are called 16-bit applications. Other programs are designed to work with later versions of Windows and are called 32-bit applications.

As a Windows XP user, you can run both 16-bit and 32-bit applications. (If you have Windows XP 64-Bit Edition running on a computer with an Intel Itanium processor, you can even run 64-bit programs!) When you have a choice, run the 32-bit version of a program, though; it takes better advantage of your 32-bit computer, and it usually runs faster and has more capabilities than the 16-bit version. If you have to run an older program, you can use compatibility mode to simulate an older version of Windows.

What Do the Parts of Windows Do?

Figure 2-1 shows a program (this example shows WordPad, a simple word processor that comes with Windows) running in a window. Although what's inside the window frame changes from program to program, most windows you see in Windows include the following components:
Figure 2-1: The parts of a window

What Is the System Menu?


You can also display the System menu by pressing ALT-SPACEBAR or by right-clicking the title bar of the window.

The commands on the System menu do the following:

Some applications also add their own commands to the System menu.
