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Chapter 26: Other Internet Programs that Come with Windows XP


Logging into Other Computers Using Telnet

Windows XP also comes with a Telnet program. Unlike HyperTerminal, it can connect only over the Internet; the Telnet program can't dial the phone. If you do much telnetting, HyperTerminal is a nicer program to use because it can remember the settings for multiple host computers, transfer files, and emulate a wider variety of terminals. The only advantage of the Windows XP Telnet program is that it's faster over a LAN connection.

Running Telnet

To run Windows built-in Telnet program

  1. Choose Start | Run, type telnet, and click OK. You see the Telnet window, shown in Figure 26-4.
Figure 26-4: The Telnet window
  1. To see the list of commands shown in Figure 26-4, type ? and press ENTER.
