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Windows XP: The Complete Reference

Chapter 26: Other Internet Programs that Come with Windows XP

Chapter Introduction
Logging into Text-Based Systems with HyperTerminal
Running HyperTerminal
Configuring HyperTerminal for Your Account
Connecting with HyperTerminal
Changing Information about a Connection
Transferring Files
Sending a File to the Remote Computer
Receiving a File from the Remote Computer
Sending Text Files
Capturing Text from the HyperTerminal Window
Other HyperTerminal Commands
Logging into Other Computers Using Telnet
Running Telnet
Working with FTP and Web Servers Using Web Folders
Creating a Web Folder
Working with Web Folders
Transferring Files Using Ftp
Basics of FTP
Navigating the Folder Trees
Uploading Files
Downloading Files
Downloading, Installing, and Running Other Internet Programs
Where to Get Internet Programs
Installing and Running Internet Programs
