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 Ayane   0917- 9722050

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Why we need the products?
Type of Nutritional Defficiency That Cause Ilness
Mal Nourishment
Over NourishmentPoor Nourishment

Too Much
Animal Proteins
Animal Fats
Refined Food
Too Few
Vegetable protein
Mineral Salt
Trace Vitamins
Essential Amino Acids
Essential Fatty Acids

It is estimated that 7 out of 10 Medical Examinations are due to disorders or Chronic Illness

Cardiovascular Problems
Blood Pressure
Digestive Problem
Certain type of Cancer
Skin Problems
Dental Problems

Frequently Asked Questions on Good bacteria

What is a good friendly Bacteria?
 12 types of friendly Lactic Acid Bacteria
 18 Amino Acids 9 Vitamins 5 Minerals

Why Do we need good Bacteria?

Bacteria present an integral part of the intestinal system throughout the lifetime of a person. they start to reside in the gastro intestinal tract (gut) of the baby as it passes to the birth canal. The mother also provides additional friendly bacteria to a child as a result of breast feeding. By the time we reach adulthood, there are over 400 different species with a total population of 100 trillion bacteria( approximately ten times more than the number of human cells in the body) present in our intestines. Collectively these bacteria are reffered to as our "intestinal microflora" The bacteria which colonise our bodies may be either good or harmful. Under ideal conditions of health and diet, a balanced is maintain  between good  and bad bacteria  in the ratio of 85% to 15%. The maintenance of this internal balance is necessary to support the normal process of the body. However , This delicate balance is disrupted by three major factors:

1. Widespred and excessive use of antibiotics which destroy good bacteria as well as the bad, furthermore common pharmaceutical drugs (e.g birth control pill, antacids, anti-histamines, and pain relievers as well as social drugs ( alcohol and smoking) upset this balance.

2. Dranmatic change in our diet from the traditional home made meals to the high sugar, high fat, junk food of modern day. These highly processed foods proved little or no nutritional value and encourage the growth of harmful bacteria.

3. Modern technology and environment hazards. These includes household, workplace and other environment chemicals. furthermore, modern day stress plays a vital role in adversely affecting the internal balance of bacteria in our intestines.

The combined effect of these external factors leads to an imbalance of our internal "intestinal microflora" resulting in variety of problems. As good bacteria, most of which are lactic acid bacteria, are critical in maintaining the correct balance of our "intestinal microflora", the consumption of good bacteria is important in supporting the balance of the human body.

What Role do Lactic Acid bacteria play in human nutrition?
Nutrition is defined as the supply of essential elements (e.g amino acids, oils, minerals,water, fiber, vitamins) to support the growth maintenance and repair of the body. Friendly Lactic Acid bacteria are an essential component of the food chain and the ultimate concept in nutrition. Thus as an important part of our daily nutritional intake. Lactic acid bacteria should also flow from the soil into the plants and into our bodies.

Historically, primitive man and woman were constantly exposed to friendly lactic  acid bacteria found in nature from the moment of birth and these micro organisms established themselves to become important members in the indigenous microflora. This in part was achieved by the consumption of soybeans, buttermilk, and sauerkraut. In return of providing living space and nutrition for these bacteria in our intestines, we derive a number of benefits. Thus Lactic Acid Bacteria in our flora manufacture B group vitamins, assist in the digestion of food and absorption of nutrients, help in the detoxification process, act as watchdogs by competing for space with udesirable micro-organisms, among many other jobs.

How does good bacteria work?
 The Lactic Acid Bacteria capsules provide elements necessary to restore the internal balance of the intestinal system and encourage the body to function in the best possible and natural way. Importantly the action of friendly lactic acid bacteria complement the beneficial effects of other elements like correct excersise, good rest, ctreativity, and so on.

What is the other capsule made from?
The capsule is made from the vegetable gum (agar-agar), bean protein and (gluten free) wheat.

What is the purpose of the soft capsule?
The capsule ensure the integrity and storage stability of the contents by preventing  oxidation and other other degredation processes.

Is Good Bacteria Capsules safe?
Yes, these capsules is totally natural product made from natural ingredients, with no artificial chemicals, additives, preservative or colouring. It has been developed and tested to exacting standards, to exceed the demand of the consumer.

Why is Good Bacteria products superior to other products?
Because the preparation of this capsule involves the use of natural organic ingredients and a natural non chemical fermentation process unlike any of the destructive synthetic method used by industry.

To know more here's  our hotlines
(text or call us)

 Kerrie   0917- 9318240

 ayane   0917- 9722050