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Why we need the products?
Type of Nutritional Defficiency That Cause Ilness
Mal Nourishment
Over NourishmentPoor Nourishment

Too Much
Animal Proteins
Animal Fats
Refined Food
Too Few
Vegetable protein
Mineral Salt
Trace Vitamins
Essential Amino Acids
Essential Fatty Acids

It is estimated that 7 out of 10 Medical Examinations are due to disorders or Chronic Illness

Cardiovascular Problems
Blood Pressure
Digestive Problem
Certain type of Cancer
Skin Problems
Dental Problems

Our Products

St. John's Kava Kava 
Price: 1420 pesos/60 capsules
Dietary Supplement
Supplement Facts
A Natural Mood Booster

"St. John's Wort is a promising natural product for depression...Hypericum extracts were significantly superior to placebo and similarly effective as standard antidepressants .. The herb may offer an advantage, however, in terms of relative safety and tolerability, which might improve patient compliance."    
 --British Medical Journal August 3, 1996

"Move over, Prozac. German and American researchers report the herb known as St. John's wort may be effective in treating depression."          --TIME August 12, 1996                                     

ST. JOHN'S WORT An Herbal Alternative to Prescription Drugs an herbal alternative to Prescription Drugs St John's Wort is a natural herb that comes from a yellow flowered plant with the Latin name Hypericum Perforatum. Perforatum means 'perforated' and wort means "plant". It has been used for centuries in many ways, including the treatment of wounds, kidney and lung ailments, bed wetting in children, anxiety and depression. It has also been utilized in treatment of infectious diseases, including colds, syphilis, tuberculosis, dysentery, whooping cough, mania, hypochondria, fatigue, hysteria and insomnia. In centuries past and recent years St. John's Wort has been used as an anti-depressant alternative for mild to moderate depression.

An Anti-depressant Alternative Depression is a world wide epidemic. In Germany, St. John's Wort is the leading treatment for mild to moderate depression and it is fast coming to the United States. A compelling study of 3,250 patients found that approximately 80% of the patients suffering from mild to moderate depression experienced feeling better or were completely relieved of depression after four weeks. Displays Anti-viral Activity In a study published in the Journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences in 1988, researchers have reported the discovery of two              substances in St. John's Wort, hypericin and pseudohypericin, that displayed anti-viral activity against some retroviruses. Retroviruses include the human immuno-deficiency virus (HIV)

Mild to Non-existent Side Effects
Recent medical studies confirm the safety of St. John's Wort. In Germany,sixty-six million daily doses of Hypericum were taken in 1994. There were no reports of serious drug interactions or even toxicity after accidental overdose. Hypericum, by comparison, does not have a single recorded human death in 2,400 years of known medicinal use.

In Germany, Kava kava is used as a non-prescription drug to reduce anxiety. Kava was first mentioned in scientific records in 1886, and it is gaining popularity in the US for its relaxing effects.Kava also is effective as a pain reliever and can be used instead of aspirin, acetaminophen and ibuprofen. Recent clinical studies have shown that the herb kava is a safe, non-addictive, anti-anxiety medicine, and as effective as prescription anxiety agents containing benzodiazepines, such as valium. While benzodiazepines tend to promote lethargy and mental impairment, kava has been clinically demonstrated as a means of achieving a state of relaxation without the adverse side effects.

Common Use: Kava root is primarily used as a natural sedative and sleep enhancement. Herbalists have traditionally used it as a remedy for nervousness and insomnia. Kava kava is an effective relaxant that can help relieve cramping  due to spasms.

 Kava Kava root is excellent for insomnia and nervousness, as it will invoke sleep and relax the nervous system. It is a powerful alternative for  addressing pain associated with nerve or skin diseases. It aids with relieving the stress associated with injuries. The plant works by first stimulating the  nervous system, and then depresses it. It is also used as an urinary  antiseptic and anti-inflammatory, thus useful for cystitis and prostatitis. Has been used in the treatment of rheumatism and gout. Externally used in liniments as an analgesic

To know more here's  our hotlines
(text or call us)
 Kerrie   0917- 9318240
 ayane   0917- 9722050
