201. The ever classic stake through the heart.

202. Abandon him on an Elbonian mud farm.

203. Put him in the same room with Robbie the Robot. Robbie is pissed about how Bill "upgraded" his sister.

204. Bill plummets for 24 stories and lands in a pile of bullshit.

205. The next Comdex with guest speaker Bill Gates, will be held in South Park.

206. Put Bill in the middle of a building that is about to be imploded.

207. A star ship beams him up, but routes his pattern to a food replicator.

208. Thrown at a canvas at over 300 MPH and used as art.

209. Exorcism.

210. New antibiotic that destroys Bill cells.

211. Lock him in a small room with Terrance and Philip.

212. Stuff his "Microsoft Bob" underpants down his throat.

213. Dies of a heart attack after having a nightmare where everybody is running Linux, MacOS, OS/2, BEos, etc, and NOT Windows.

214. Crushed under a collapsing set of bleachers while scouting out new territory.

215. Killed by his non-evil twin from an alternate universe.

216. Boiled in a huge pot of macaroni. Mixed and served with cheese sauce.

217. With no warning, MS HQ is about to be bulldozed to make way for a new bypass. Bill throws himself in the path of the bulldozers.

218. Stuffed in a giant donut and left in a police convention.

219. Replace his nose spray with a mini-mega-suction-o-matic.

220. Beaten to shreds with the ceremonial killamajig.

221. Bill's new pacemaker with a built in wireless web server gets mentioned, with a link, on Slashdot.

222. Thrown in to a pit of rabid llamas.

223. Cave-in while ass spelunking.

224. Squashed by a twenty ton gavel.

225. There IS no Bill.

226. Bill tries out a new electric toothbrush made out of plastiqe explosives.

227. Manufacturing accedient in Microsoft's newly aquired nuclear arms devision.

228. Soylent Bill.

229. Ripped to shreads by a flock of angry penguins.

230. Killed by a radation leak and brough back to life as a hologram - who's holo projection system runs Windows 98.

231. Throw a bucket of water on him and watch him melt.

232. Take him for a ride one of the Navy's new ships with Windows-powered navigation.

233. Bill's attempt to start a new "Kentucky Fried Penguin" chain backfires as the penguins start an "eat more Bill" campaign.

234. Place a chip in his head that gives him an electrical shock every time a copy of Windows crashes somewhere.

235. Mix anthrax spores with his hot chocolate powder.

236. Launch him into the sun.

237. Put him in a car full of very angry badgers, set fire to the car, and send it over a cliff.

238. Lock him in a pyramid with millions of scarab beetles (the ones from the Mummy)

239. Hypnotize him and make him think itÕs safe to play street hockey on I-5.

240. Release mustard gas in his mansionÕs air circulation system.

241. Dress him up as species 8472 and give him to the Hirogen.

242. Dress him up as a Centauri and give him to the Narns.

243. Transmogrify him into a tribble and give him to the Klingons.

244. Send him back in time right before the Big Bang.

245. Send him ahead in time right before the Big Crunch.

246. Turn him over to Steve Jobs.

247. Pay Satan to send Bill to Hell early.

248. Give Bill a job at a fuel refinery in Iraq just before an American air strike.

249. Transplant scorpion eggs into BillÕs brain.

250. Send bill to an anti-reality and have him shake hands with himself.

251. Have guinea pigs gnaw off BillÕs genitals.

252. Replace the water in BillÕs private pool with gasoline and while he is swimming drop a match into the Òwater.Ó

253. Have him space walk without a helmet.

254. Tie him to the wall of a room that is slowly filling with sulphuric acid. Watch him melt away very slowly from the legs up.

255. Push him into the top of a warp core.

256. Make him try and convince Jabba the Hutt to switch to Windows. If Jabba doesnÕt execute him right away, as soon as the palaceÕs computer systems crash Bill will be Rancor food.

257. Drop him on Hoth and leave. If the cold doesnÕt get him, the Wampa ice creatures will.

258. Put him in a mink coat and drop him on the doorstep of some animal rights activists.

259. Fun with razor blades.

260. Make the government think BillÕs secret identity is bin Laden.

261. Send him over Hoover Dam in a barrel when thereÕs no water.

262. Convince Emporer Palpatine that Bill is really a Jedi. ÒBilly-Wan KaphoneyÓ

263. New invention: explosive whoopie cushions.

264. Make Bill decide which is the holy grail and watch as his flesh melts away when he chooses incorrectly.

265. Send Bill to the Institution for Psychopathic Mimes.

266. Put him out with sleeping pills and then have fun with sledgehammers.

267. Put him out for good with sleeping pills.

268. Hit him in the nose really hard. The bone with puncture his brain and instantly kill him.

269. Lock Bill in a slaughter house for a week and then throw him in a shark tank.

270. Make a Bill-o-Lantern. Be sure to get all the guts out of the inside before you carve him a new face.

271. One word: Gillitine.

272. Play checkers. If he loses shoot him. If he wins shoot him.

273. Send him to live in an Omish community.

274. Cut out one of his eyeballs. Take a vacuum hose, insert it into the vacant socket, and watch as brain matter is ____ed out.

275. Make him fight the Rock.

276. Make BillÕs mansion the new test sight for experimental weapons.

277. Make Bill the new test subject for experimental drugs.

278. Get him hooked on speed.

279. Loosen a few screws on a fare ride then convince Bill to go on that ride. Watch as Bill flies away.

280. Grind up glass and put it in his salt shaker.

281. Send Bill on a one-way trip to Afghanistan.

282. Drive a stake through his heart. If he doesnÕt die youÕll know for sure he isnÕt a vampire.

283. If he is a vampire, introduce him to a nice girl named Buffy.

284. Strap him to one of the EnterpriseÕs nacelles and watch as he is compressed into free-floating hydrogen when the ship goes to warp.

285. Play hot patato with a grenade. Make sure he is holding onto it five seconds into the game.

286. Put a shark in a tank with no food for a week. Then let it loose in BillÕs private pool.

287. Put a pack of dogs in a cage with no food for a week. Release them into Microsoft HQ and lock all the doors.

288. Put fifty hamsters in cages with no food for two weeks. Put them in BillÕs closet.

289. Lace BillÕs food with ecstacy for a year, then stop.

290. Convince Bill to take part in a water gun fight. Use a flame thrower for yourself.

291. Hypnotize Bill. Make him think heÕs an experienced bull fighter.

292. Hypnotize Bill. Make him think heÕs an experienced tightrope walker.

293. Hypnotize Bill. Make him think heÕs an experienced F-16 pilot.

294. Hypnotize Bill. Make him think heÕs an experienced grenade juggler.

295. Hypnotize Bill. Make him think heÕs an experienced fire eater.

296. Hypnotize Bill. Make him think heÕs an experienced air traffic controller.

297. Hypnotize Bill. Make him think heÕs Richard Simmons. Then release him in a homo-phobic community.

298. Pretend heÕs Frankenstein. Strap him to a bed and charge him with several thousand amps. If he manages to survive take out his brain.

299. Give him some make-up and put him in a wig. Turn him over to Hannibal Lecter.

300. Make him spend the night in the Bates Hotel.

301. Make him drink several gallons of mouthwash (most mouthwash is poisonous)

302. Just shoot him.

303. Lead poisoning.

304. Shrink him down to the size of a bug and then have fun with a magnifying glass.

305. If you're a superhero, remove the giant lense from a high-powered telescope, fly into orbit, and obliterate Microsoft HQ.

306. Divert an asteroid toward Bill's mansion.

307. Send him into the Matrix as an agent and make him fight Neo.

308. Push him over the side of the grand canyon into snake-infested water.

309. Tie him to the back of a speed boat by one foot and weigh him down somehow. Go for a high-speed ride over a chorale reef.

310. Convince Bill that he needs some artifact in India. Watch him enter the booby-trapped temple and never come out again.

311. Impale him with a Microsoft Excel Technical Manual.