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Click on thumbnails for enlargement.
Classic II "Vixen" with Powerbook 170 "Dexter" Classic "Mycroft" with external drive and modem, left view Classic "Mycroft" with external drive and modem, right view
Mycroft running MacHTTP Classic "Peaches" as photographed by her previous owner in Georgia for eBay. Classic "Big Mac" as photographed by his previous owner in Texas for eBay.
Powerbook 170 "Dexter" sleeping at work.  Classic II "Vixen" as 68K Gaming Machine Mycroft set up with printer, scanner, external drive and modem.
  My compact collection.  

Screen Shots
Powerbook 170 "Dexter" desktop
Powerbook 170 "Dexter" hard drive open
Powerbook 170 "Dexter" documents
Powerbook 170 "Dexter" applications
Powerbook 170 "Dexter" About Box, Control Strip
Plus "Veronica" network disk
SE "Aladdin" clean System 6 install
Classic "Mycroft" clean System 7 install
Classic "Mycroft" desktop
Classic "Mycroft" hard drive open
Classic "Mycroft" About Box
Classic "Mycroft" About Box running MacHTTP

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