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First Nuclear Explosion
The code name of the project: Trinity (see also 1, 2, 3)
Date: 5:29:45 a.m. 16.07.1945
Place: Trinity Site in New Mexico, USA. Yield: 21 kT
Video: 39 sec, 1.8Ì
First Combat Nuclear Explosion
The code name of the project: Little Boy
(see also 1, 2, 3)
Date: 8:15 a.m., Japanese time, 6.08.1945
Place: Hiroshima, Japan Yield: 15 kT
Video: 39 sec, 1.8Ì
Second Combat Nuclear Explosion
The code name of the project: Fat Man
Date:11:02 a.m., Japanese time, 09.08.1945
Place: Nagasaki, Japan Yield: 22 kT
Video: 13 sec, 0.7Ì
First Soviet Nuclear Explosion
The code name of the project: RDS-1
Date: 29.08.1949
Place: Semipalatinsk Testing Area Yield: 20 kT
Video: 19 sec, 0.9 Ì
Structural Effects Test
The code name of the project: Easy
Date: 20.04.1951
Place: Unknown Yield: 47 kT
Video: 49 sec, 2.3 Ì
First Test of Two-stage Thermonuclear Bomb
The code name of the project: Ivy Mike
Date: 31.10.1952
Place: Eniwetok Yield: 10.4 MT
Video: 41 sec, 2 Ì
Most Powerful Thermonuclear Bomb Tested by USA
Code name of the project: Castle Bravo
Date: 18:45, 28.02.1954
Place: Artificial Island ("Charlie"), Bikini Atoll Yield: 15 MT
Video: 103 sec, 4.8 Ì