Drinking Corner Activity Center


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Welcome to the page that gives you something to do while you are downing a cold one. This page will give you many activities to play with your drinking buddies. Or, if you are a true alcoholic, you can play some of these games on your own and get really sloppy. 

I have always wanted to do a page like this keeping track of all the different games for getting smashed I came across over the years. All you need is some people and some beer or liquor, which ever you prefer.  A lot of these games use a lot of beer, so I suggest a keg. Yes, that is right a keg. I think that is the college in me talking. 

I tried to keep on top of this site, and I tried. However, my wife and I were blessed with our first child, a boy, at the end of April. Everything has been so hectic at work and at home. I will add some more games as soon as I get around to. Thank you and check back! 

If you are looking for, we have it listed. Check it out in the Games page, and have fun playing.

Remember to play responsively. Do not drink and drive!