Hi and welcome to my homepage. I have no idea how you got here as I didn't put it up on any search engines, I guess we were just destined to meet. *hold out his hand* my name is Sean Blacksmith, pleased to meet you. Im 17, born in Cornwall and I have three sisters, one of whom is my twin. There names are Clover, Sarah (my twin) and Jenifer. I enjoy watching films especiall the Alien Saga, anything with Arnold Scwarzeneggar (esp. Total Recall and Terminator), and I like to swim. I'm a confident swimmer and I'm training to one day be in the Olympics as I missed last years one in Australia.
I can be a bit of a loose wire, i'm not atall academic like my sister Jenifer. I think i'll end up like Clover- having to stay for another year. I am taking a GNVQ is sports science, and I'll do a degree of sports at University next year and continue my swimming at the same time.
My best friend is Ted Rivers, although I think of all my friends as really close. I like going to the cinema, out for a drink, playing football, swimming and walking in the hills.
I can't wait to get married, have kids and go to Disney Land in Orland Florida! There's no point in going to America until your 21 and then I thought, well Disney Land is so much fun when your'e younger, and I'd like to go again, why not go when I have kids? Only problem is- wife. lol. I'm a bit of a traditional romantic, and not many girls my age are so i'm at a loss. I was very into Carmen Bailey until she finished me for Darrius Costner (why oh why?) and I like Nina Robin alot (she knows this already) so you never know.
I like using the internet, I haven't really used it much up until now. I don't really go into chatrooms cus everyone is always just insulting eachother or trying to cyber.
I like listening to Michael Jackson, UK Garage and Ibiza Anthems. I went to Ibiza last year and it was great (hi to Clare, Sandy, Kerris, Leo and Bilbo!!!) If you would like to email me then have no hesitation in emailing the school and i'll have it passed on to me and i'll reply! Cheers!
I asked Valentine Mattrick to make this site (VERY UNOFICAIL WEBSITE) cus I thought it would be nice to show the world what great, interesting people we have at Witch Castle. All the people that took the time to write a bit about themselves, thanks, and Omri Katz thank you so much for writing the background music into MIDI formats you're a great pal. Thankyou Jamil Dawsari for scanning in all the pics and thanks Sophie Montague for making the school logo and having to do it all in paintshop!

Midi featured:"BEAT IT" (Michael Jackson) Performed by Katz and Yates 2001