Hello i'm Ted and i'm 17. I look really young for my age I know and it's a bastard but I can't do anything about it. I'm Sean Blacksmith's mate and we rule this school without a doubt. I have a yonger brother called Tom and he's really annoying cus we look so similar and everyone say's about it. Only problem is he's a right Ali G wannabe. Boyakasha! haha
I also got a really little baby sister called Clarice but she doens't count.
I was born in London I actually used to live next door to Zoya when we were younger so I've known her forever.
I think Star Wars is great and Mark Hamil (Luke Skywalker) is my mum's cousin and she got to go on all the sets. They even let me on the Episode 1 set which was great!
My mother runs a dog training school with kennels and boutiques and she also runs the pet depratment in Harrods'. My father is a camera man for Elstree studios, atleast that's where he is normally filming.
I want to work in a zoo, I know it's weird but i'd love to be in charge of the reptile house at London Zoo and travel around with Steve Irwin! I bet it's great I always watch him on the Animal Planet channel.
I go to bars alot and clubs and I get drunk alot. I have a serious beer appreciation you know. I love Red Stripe...you don't get it that often but it's a lager and it gets you paraletic in no time cus it's so strong.
I love going out on the piss up and I always have to get a chinese or a kebab on the way home mmmmmm.
I hang around with Sean Blacksmith also known as the Olympic Swimmer and Josh, Dustin, Zoya, Rusti, Correy, Randy etc. Like a massive possy.

Midi featured:STAR WARS THEME" (Star Wars) Midi performed by Katz and Yates 2001