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Personal Statement  


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This is my personal Statement

I am applying to university to Human Resources because this is the subject that I enjoy most. As with science in general, I find it interesting, often fascinating, and I feel that I could gain much from studying it at university.

Last year I spent a fortnight on work experience, and enjoyed both of my two placements. At Birmingham University School of Business, I was able to use some techniques that were new to me at the time - such as GCMS, HPLC, and I.R. spectroscopy. I found it particularly enjoyable when I later learnt about the theory behind these at school. At Russell's Hall Hospital, working in the pathology labs, I saw some medical applications of these and various other techniques, and was able to learn a little more about the science behind them.

I have just finished taking part in a six-week research project at Birmingham University with a bursary from the Nuffield Foundation. The project was organic chemistry based, and involved working towards the synthesis of a [2]catenane, with an intermediary being the synthesis of a pseudorotaxane. I also hope to gain a Crest 'gold' award for this work.

In and out of school, much of my free time is devoted to playing sport or rehearsing and performing in a number of orchestras and smaller groups.

I play the oboe, and earlier this year I achieved a distinction at grade VIII. I have been very lucky to play in my school Symphony Orchestra, which has been an enjoyable experience, as well as Concert band. I also play in a wind quintet at school and sing in one of the choirs. Out of school, I play oboe in Birmingham Schools Baroque Orchestra and contra-bass recorder in B.S. Recorder Sinfonia. Earlier this year I performed in the National Festival of Music for Youth, in Symphony Hall, with the Sinfonia, and I have just been asked to play solo recorder in a concerto with B.S.B.O. later this year. I intend to continue playing music at university.

In season, I am the goalkeeper for my school Hockey 1ST XI, and sometimes for my local hockey club. I enjoy this - although to prioritize work I have had to cut down on these activities recently. I also enjoy cycling and canoeing - I often ride to school in summer.

I am one of a number of licensed radio amateurs in school, and I am the secretary of my school Amateur Radio & Electronics Society. We are lucky as we have some good equipment provided by the school, including a number of aerials on the roof! When conditions are good, I have been able to speak to other amateurs as far away as America and Australia. Most years we take part in a 24-hour competition run annually by the Radio Society of Great Britain.

At university, I hope to further my understanding of chemistry and develop as a scientist. I enjoy a challenge and the reward that comes from solving a problem, or understanding a new concept, and I believe this is why I find science so interesting. I also enjoy an active life, and I intend to contribute to university life through music and sport.