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Long Live stag
Stag is always right.

Other Members

let me introduce to you ... stag

The picture on the right is of Stag and was taken when we were in spain , well we were probably in France at the pricise time of the picture but we were on the Spain trip. In this picture stag looks as though shes shouting at me. she doesnt like this picture very much. The picture on the left I expect she will like even less it is her at a young age. that bing next to her is hodge.

stag enjoys shouting, swearing making racist and generally offensive remarks to compleat strangers. Her ambition is to (aided by her fellow massive members) blow up portugal... despite the fact that stag is always right she has been known to make mistakes. firstly in the sunny land of spain some certain erm men appeared at our balconany. Stag (and jenny and lucy) in her wisdom invited these men up for sangria. But for some odd reason the receptionist didnt think this was a very good idea. And that our “proferrors” wouldnt be amused either. Well thats the spanish for u. As you may have imagined Stag isnt Stag’s real name.

stag’s role in the massive is the live wire, she is the active doer of the group and carries out wot is suggested by her fellow members no matter how stupid it would sound to a normal human being. A few facts about stag..... Hates...... Denton Wost fear.... falling onto denton Fav passtime.... hurting/humiliating Denton Also hates.... free maisons