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You can’t Change the way you feel

By Lynsey Rogers


Chapter 1


Tears flowed effortlessly down her pale, worn face as she sat awake in bed, alone. It was just another night for Lucy since Billy left her. Just the thought of it all made an almost unbearable amount of pain enter her stomach.

She placed a shaking hand over the final photographs of her and Billy as a couple.

She managed to smile to herself as old memories came alive within her mind.

“They were happy times,” she thought as she buried herself under her bed sheets. She buried her face into her damp pillow and took in some deep breaths.

She could still smell Billy in them. In fact, she could smell Billy all over the house, and everything she saw reminded her of him.

She’d lock herself in her house most days for this reason. In the comfort of her bed she could re-call happy times and even convince herself that Billy still loved her and that they were together.

Rarely, when she ventured outside, these ideals came crashing around her and the pain felt worse than ever.

She sobbed to herself and questioned whether all of this would ever end. She was brought suddenly out of this existence when the doorbell rang sharply. She shook herself out of bed and climbed slowly down the creaking stairs as a desperate voice called out her name in the night….


Chapter 2


Her heart was bursting out of her chest as she nervously opened the heavy wooden door. She imagined Billy standing in the rain, crying out for her and begging for forgiveness. She looked slowly up and out to the driveway, the rain hitting hard off the ground.

Lucy stared intently as the figure stepped into the porch light, shivering as he did so.

It was Joel.

“Where have you been, Luce? We’ve been worried about ya!”

Lucy stepped back, confused.

“What?” she blurted out, her head fuzzy from the lack of sleep.

“The album launch, tonight. You were supposed to be there. You can’t do this Luce, you have to move on” Joel spoke softly, unsure how to approach the subject.

The pain in Lucy’s chest grew worse as Joel spoke. She knew he was right, but she just didn’t want to hear it.

She felt her eyes filling with tears, and fought them back vainly. She stood, motionless, Joel’s voice ringing around her ears.

She suddenly gave way, and fell towards the floor, breaking down into sobs. Joel rushed towards her, picking her up and leading her into the dark house.


Chapter 3: Right in the face….


She stared intently in the mirror as she dried her hair with a soft, fresh towel.

She sighed to herself as she replayed Joel’s words in her mind;

“You have to move on”

She suddenly marched downstairs, grabbing a startled Joel’s hand.

“We can still make the launch, can’t we?” she demanded.

Joel smiled. “Sure, if you’re up to it, that’s all”

Lucy hugged Joel.

“Thanks for everything Joel, Its nice to know that someone cares”

Joel blushed, but before he could mumble a reply, he was rushed out of the house and onto the cold, deserted street.




Lucy was confronted by heavy smoke, hundreds of voices and the unmistakable sound of GC as she entered Paul’s crowed house.

She pushed her way uncomfortably past the many “heys!” and “what’s ups” that greeted her. She was only looking for one person.

It was then in the corner of her eye that she saw him. Past the beer kegs and tacky disco lights she saw the familiar features, the smile and the stance that she’d missed for so long.

Her heart ached as she closed her eyes briefly to imagine them as one again. “Just to be near him,” she thought as she opened her tired and unwilling eyes.

She took in a sharp breath as she realised that he was not alone. Beside him stood a leggy, big busted, bottle blonde. She was wearing little and tossing her hair from her heavily made up eyes down past her shoulders.

The girl let out a high-pitched giggle and fluttered her eyelashes like there was no tomorrow.

“Surely he wouldn’t go for that?” Luce thought as she sipped her warm drink, feeling a pair of arms catch her waist as she did so.  

She turned around and smiled.

“Hey gorgeous” Benji smirked, kissing her cheek.

“Hey” Luce replied softly, pulling in for a hug.

She stepped back and admired Benji from head-to-toe.

“Do I have your approval?” Benji laughed, noticing her stare.

Luce blushed.

“Its just, its been so long, you look great!” she exclaimed, ruffling Benji’s newly-dyed hair.

“Thanks Hun, but look, are you ok? Joel said you were upset. And I know Billy’s still bugging you.” Benji spoke, concerned.

Luce saddened and gazed to the floor, finding herself contemplating Billy once again.

She looked over her shoulder and froze.

“You deserve better Luce, and I…” Benji was still talking when he noticed Lucy’s lack of attention. He looked over at her focus.

“Oh no…” he muttered.

It was Billy and that girl again. But this time they were kissing, but with such passion that it broke Lucy’s heart.

Her eyes penetrated tears as she witnessed the affection. Billy’s hands exploring the girl’s body, kisses planted on her volumised lips.

Her eyes penetrated tears as she found herself unable to look away.

This was the kind of passion that had made her and Billy so special.

Now she stared at him, expressionless, feeling as if she’d never known him at all.

Tears streamed down her reddened cheeks as she fought off Benji’s comfort and made her way through the seemingly endless crowd. She allowed the cries to overtake as she climbed the stairs heavily, voices muffled, but calling out for her.

She didn’t care who it was, she just knew she had to get out of there, and fast.   


Chapter 4


Lucy burst into the nearest room, her surroundings a blur from the tears.  She looked over to the bed to see Joel occupying it.

“Luce, what’s up?” he cried, grabbing her into a hug.

“I just…. I saw….” She trembled, sitting herself on the bed.

Joel put an arm around her, attempting to comfort her.

“You saw what, Hun…”

Lucy took in a deep breath.

“I saw Billy and that girl.”

“Oh….Linzi…. I told him not to bring her” Joel saddened.

The mentioning of her name made Lucy’s blood boil in anger. She immediately took in a slow, deep breath.

“Its ok, anyways, don’t have that all to yourself!” she sniffed, grabbing the wine bottle out of Joel’s hand.

The both lay back on the bed and talked, drinking until the early hours. At about 3am, Lucy decided that she should go home.

She got up, but was held back by the soft touch of a hand.

“Please don’t go” Joel whined, pulling a pout, desperate face.

Luce giggled. “You always do that!” she cried, sending a playful punch into Joel’s arm.

She sat back into Joel’s arms where they discussed their many disastrous relationships.

“I can’t believe I was so stupid, Luce. Michelle was cheating on me the whole time!” Joel spoke quietly.

“I know, when Billy left me I was lost, and I can’t believe he chose her over me!”

Lucy cried, wiping away the tears that were slowly drowning her cheeks.

“I don’t understand it either, Luce. I mean, look at you! You’re the most amazing and beautiful person I’ve ever met!” Joel exclaimed, grabbing hold of Lucy’s waist in the moment.

Lucy blushed. He was sweet, but was she ready for this?

Before she even had time to think, she felt a pair of lips brush softly against hers.

Instead if resisting, she found herself running her hands through Joel’s soft black hair allowing the passion to take over….



Chapter 5


Luce woke hazily the next morning to find herself wrapped in Joel’s arms. She panicked, and moved quickly out of the bed, stumbling over the empty wine bottles that adorned the floor.

She fumbily got dressed, wincing from the pain in her head.

She looked over at Joel sleeping peacefully, but she knew she had to go. It was a mistake, and she knew it!

She ran downstairs, colliding with a sleepy Billy in the process.

“Hey! What’s the rush!” he exclaimed, steadying Luce with a weak arm.

Luce looked up at Billy and realised that she’s forgotten just how handsome he was.

His eyes were still a soft, deep brown, and he never broke his intense stare when talking. His striking jaw line still hid secretly behind a mass of jet-black hair, which lay scruffily on his pale face.

It was then that she contemplated screaming out to him,

“Two years, Billy! We had two years! I love you!”

Instead, she spoke bitterly, struggling to keep her composure;

“I hope you and linzi are very happy together.”

Before Billy could stammer a response, Lucy stalked out of the house onto the misty and grey street.

She walked her way home slowly, contemplating the last 24 hours. As she cried, she felt numb, programmed and worthless.

The only guy she’s ever loved had left her and didn’t care anymore.

She’d let a bottle of wine decide that sleeping with Joel was a good idea; despite the pain and anger she’d felt hours earlier.

She wasn’t sure how she felt about Joel, only that she felt terrible for leaving things the way she did with him.

The pain returned to her head as she searched for answers to all this, and she knew she had to find them, before it was too late…


Chapter 6


It had been two days since the party and it was all Luce could think of. Tired of imaginary conversations and confusing scenarios running through her mind, she decided that it was time to set the record straight.

An hour later she found herself at Joel’s doorstep, her cold hands stuffed nervously in her deep pockets, her body trembling with fear.

She’d practised this meeting in her mind so many times that she feared her head might explode.

She took in a slow, deep breath as the dark wooden door opened almost cautiously.

She braced herself for it to be slammed back in her face, but was instead greeted by the soft features of Billy.

“Oh, hey!” he spoke, enthusiastically.

“Ummm… is Joel there?” Luce mumbled quietly, her eyes darting around her surroundings to avoid Billy’s stare.

“No, he’ll be back in a couple of hours, though. He’s doing some “MADE”(note: his clothing label J) stuff I think. Wanna come in for a coffee?” he smiled.

Lucy nodded, “He’s so sweet” immediately dismissing the angry and negative thoughts that had plagued her mind.

“But what about…” Lucy questioned, as she entered the ever-immaculate lounge.

“Don’t worry Linzi’s not here, she’s gone on a modelling thing for a couple of days. Anyways, I wanna know how you’re doing”

Luce couldn’t help smiling as he said this. But she knew she had to tell him the truth.




It was 2 hours later and Joel had still not returned home.

Instead, Luce and Billy sat; laughing and chatting like the old times.

Lucy was busy laughing at an old childhood story when she felt Billy’s hand brush lightly against her reddening cheek.

Billy leaned in and whispered softly in her ear,

“Lets get back together, Luce. We’re so great together.”

Luce froze; she tried to digest the words just spoken. She thought about the relationship. The pain. The heartbreak. The tears. But also the love. The affection. The happy times. The she thought about Joel.

Soon she found herself being led upstairs by Billy and her heart dealing with matters instead of her head.


Chapter 7


Joel pushed open the door weakly and stepped inside the cold house. He sighed in frustration. It had been a hard few days, but a night in front of the television was on schedule for today.

He entered the kitchen to hear movement from Billy’s room. He remembered then that he had some questions to ask him about designs for “MADE” clothing.

He climbed the stairs slowly, smiling to himself.

He pushed open Billy’s door quickly.

“Hey dude, I was just wondering if you could help…”

His voice trailed off and he froze.

He looked in horror at what lay before him.

One of his best friends and the only girl he’d ever loved. Together.

“So this is what you’re up to, eh Luce?” he snorted angrily.

“Its not what it looks like, Joel, please.” Lucy cried.

“Hmph, looks pretty cosy to me!” Joel replied, bitterly.

“What??” Billy managed to blurt out, confused. “Dude, what’s up??”

“I’ll tell you what’s up!” Joel retorted sarcastically, “ at that party two nights ago Luce and I slept together and I really thought it meant something. She ignored me and said she was busy getting over you. More like under you!” Joel cried, slamming an angry fist into the wall.

“So that’s why you were in such a rush to leave! I can’t believe you! I never want to see you again!” Billy snarled, glaring at Lucy, disgusted.

“Billy! That’s not fair!” she cried, “it takes two you know!” she screamed in reply.

“Just get out!” Billy yelled, throwing her things to the floor.

She fumbled out of bed, desperately trying to hold back the tears. She collected her things and walked over to Joel, who was red with anger.

“Joel,” she soothed, touching his arm lightly. He grabbed it away fiercely.

“Don’t touch me,” he mumbled, unable to look at her in the face.

She sighed and speeded down the stairs, and ran out onto the open street.

It was then she cried. She was a mess. Her life was a mess.

She’d lost the only two guys she’s ever loved….


Chapter 8


Lucy sat at her small kitchen table; clutching the sole birthday card she’d received from her best friend, and Paul’s girlfriend, Susie.

She placed her head on the table and sighed.

It had been 5 months since she’d last seen or heard from any of the GC guys.

She placed a soft hand on her expanding stomach.

She was pregnant and unsure of the Father.

Her hands were trembling as she picked up her ringing telephone.

“Ummm…Hello?” she mumbled sleepily.

“Hey Luce, its Paul. Look we haven’t caught up in ages, I really miss you. Wanna come over tonight? Susie and I are having some people over..”

“Aww, sweetie, I dunno. I’m not feeling too good, I’ve been sick all morning.” Luce replied weakly.

“Oh, honey, what’s up? You sick?” Paul spoke, concerned.

“No, morning sickness, Paul” she replied informatively.

“You…mean…you’re….” He exclaimed.

“Yes, but only Susie knows so please don’t tell anyone. I’ll come clean tonight.” She panicked.

“Ok, hun. I’ll see ya later, take care!” Paul rung off.

Luce replaced the receiver and took in some deep breaths. She climbed the stairs slowly, staring expressionless at her wardrobe. Tonight she would have to look great.




She stood nervously ringing Paul’s doorbell.

She shivered as she thought back to the last party here.

She’d chosen her “little black dress” that clung in all the right places. She had made some effort with her hair and make-up and as a result felt great.

She smiled as Paul’s warm features greeted her. He pulled her into a tight hug.

“Hun, you look amazing. I’ve really missed you, we all have.” He soothed.

“Me too” she mumbled in reply.

Paul placed a tender hand on her bump.

“I’m sure everything will get sorted out” he enthused.

Luce giggled. Paul always tried to make light of every situation. It was sweet.

“I hope so,” she affirmed.

Paul led her into he loud lounge, to be greeted by the guys;

“ Happy Birthday!” they all cried in unison, their voices trailing off as they looked from Luce’s surprised expression to her expanding stomach.


Chapter 9


“I still can’t believe you’re pregnant!” Benji cried, handing Lucy a soft drink as he sat himself next to her.

“So….umm, its definitely Joel or Billy Whose the Father, then?” he spoke quietly.

“Benji!” she cried, taking offence.

“Sorry, hun. I had to ask. So what are you gonna do? Get a DNA test or something?” he questioned.

“Oh, I never thought of that. At least it would set things straight” Lucy pondered. “I don’t think they would wanna know though” she saddened, motioning towards Billy and Joel, who had been hiding in the corner of the crowd all night.

“Well, you know I’m here for you” Benji soothed, hugging her.

“Thanks, Benj. I’m gonna go upstairs for a bit, I feel kinda queasy.” She weakened.



“Ergh!” she groaned to herself as she wiped her mouth and leaned back against the toilet. The bathroom door opened abruptly, to reveal Joel.

“Oh, hey, are you ok?” he questioned, kneeling beside her, and pulling her hair back sweetly from her face.

“Umm…yeah…it looks like my morning sickness also comes at night!” she laughed.

“I’m so sorry for all this Joel, I never mean for any of it to happen, you know.” She saddened.

Joel touched her face lightly.

“You know I’ll be here for you, whatever the outcome is.” He placed a hand on her bump.

“I couldn’t possibly expect you to do that!” she cried.

“But I want to, I still L-…. I… you know…” he mumbled.

“I know, Joel.” She spoke, pulling him into a hug.

She’d never been so unsure of her feelings until now, breathing in the comfort of Joel’s aftershave as they sat comfortably in each other’s arms.


Chapter 10


Billy paced the tiny but warm room endlessly, his soft, black hair disguising his tense expression, his only sign of emotion through fiddling with his lip ring.

Joel sat silently at the other end of the room, endarkened, his terrified expression encased in his shaking hands, his newly inked arms displaying Goosebumps.

Benji and Paul sat on the large, comfy sofa, bodies tense and gazes diverted from one-another

Chris sat boldly in the midst of these mixed emotions. He appeared almost buried within the many folds of the black leather chair he was occupying.

Rather bemused, he observed everyone, attempting jokes to lighten the mood, only to be left scratching the beanie hat that adorned his shaven head, confused.

Susie applied thick red gloss to her quivering lips for a third time, nervously fixing her figure hugging dress in the process.

Lucy sat awkwardly, with one hand gripping to the telephone and the other softly placed on her bump.

She was now 6 months pregnant and awaiting DNA test results.

She could feel the sweat slowly collecting at her brow and her stomach turn multiple knots.

Her heart was pounding irrationally and her head buzzing from endless questions and answers.

Her feelings reached a maximum as the telephone rang abruptly.

The room glared frantically at one-another as she slowly picked up the receiver and mumbled inaudible information.

A lifetime of five minutes had passed when she cautiously replaced the receiver.

She turned to face the others and scanned their expressions, feeling the tension grow higher.

After a pause she lifted her head slowly, and spoke clearly,

“Billy’s the Father.”

The room gasped, unsure how to react.

Billy immediately jumped up and grabbed Lucy into a hug, although she stood cold and motionless in return.

She glanced at Joel over Billy’s shoulder and saw his face, crushed, his body decreased and his eyes wet.

She took in some long, deep breaths as she saw Billy kneel down before her on the floor.

“Now Luce. I know we’ve not had the easiest time, but I think we should make a real go out of it” he soothed, patting her bump with a light hand.

He fumbly produced a diamond ring from his pocket.

“I’ve come prepared” he smirked, looking up at a numb Lucy.

“Let’s become a real family, Luce, I’ll finish it with Linzi.” He spoke, looking desperately into her eyes.

Joel saw the ring from the corner of his eye and sighed.

“That’s it! I’ve lost her forever!” he thought to himself, tugging at his worn clothes.

He couldn’t bear to watch anymore and left, slamming the door behind him.

The sound echoed around Lucy’s ears as she thought about her and Billy.

She’d had some great times with him. She’d laughed a lot, felt constant affection and yes, she had been in love with him.

But as she got lost in the glimmer of diamonds, she thought back to recent times.   

The rejection, the self-loathing, the pain, blame and the breaking of her heart.

But there had been a change within all that and she couldn’t help but smile to herself as she thought of that change.

She cleared her throat.

“Billy” she spoke affirmatively.

He looked hopefully into her eyes.

“This is it!” he thought to himself, “Perfect!”

“This is a kind gesture, but I can’t” Luce saddened.

Billy’s face fell and confusion polluted his mind.

“What!” he cried, “but…why, Luce?” he spoke painfully.

“Because, I…. I….” she took in a strengthening breath.

“I love Joel.” And with that she dropped her grasp from Billy’s hands and ran out onto the noisy bustling street.

“Joel! Joel!” she cried helplessly, rain running down her cheeks and drenching her clothes as she ran frantically dodging beeping horns.

Joel turned around in the distance, shocked.

Luce caught up with him, exhausted, but running a cold wet hand down his tear stained cheek.

“I’m so sorry!” she cried, pulling him closer to her.

Joel glanced silently down to her hand.

“Where’s the ring then?” he questioned bitterly.

“There isn’t one” Luce shivered.

” But why, Luce?” he exclaimed. 

“B…B. Because I Love you, Joel, its you I want to be with.” She spoke passionately, tears flowing down her cheeks.

Joel ran a shaking hand through her drenched hair, and pulled her closer to him, so that their noses touched.

He looked desperately into her eyes.

“Really?” he quivered his hands holding her body tightly.

Lucy managed a weak nod before being pulled into a slow, passionate kiss.

Joel sheltered her with his jacket as he led her through the night.

As they walked the desolate streets of Waldorf, Luce had never felt so comfortable, happy and secure.

She knew right at that moment she’d made the right call….