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    <   {Fan Fiction}         {FAQ}         {Annoy ppl}        {Represent}    

'When I speak from my heart, you laugh like it's a game, this ain't no game!'

 ok, so maybe alot of ppl find reading really boring, but I don't so hahaha! I enjoy writing but I don't usually let ppl read it cos its either really personal or crap basically. Most of the fan fictions are done by me, not because I think im any good at writing them but I just couldn't be arsed to ask ppl to do them for me! BUT! if you do want to write fan fictions for me plz email me one and ill read it!

Weird.....I bet its strange reading stories about yourself, like when you get a maths question and its your name! argh!

 By Me...

On my mind

Lets Pray

Supermarket Sweep


 Guest Written....

What are you waiting for?

Tell me that you need me


You cant change the way you feel

Wondering (adult content)

New>>>>Say Anything

New>>>>A New Beginning