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This was hell Benji decided, he'd sat up all night formulating a plan to see Karen again. He felt sure he loved her. Well he'd never felt this way about a girl before, this sick when things went wrong. His stomach jumped as he pictured her face.

"You ok?" Joel, Benji's twin brother, sleeping in the next bed, always knew when something was wrong. They'd been through everything together and were best mates as well as brothers. "Yeah" Benji felt himself go red as he so obviously lied. Joel knew the real root of his brothers tears but thought better than to bring them up so early in the morning.

Benji shook as he jogged down the muddy street. He'd just chucked any old clothes on so now he stood there freezing to death in shorts and T shirt. He didn't care, or he didn't realize. Karen's voice in his head made him feel warm, he tried to remember all the things she said when she left. Why HAD she left? He felt sure she loved him too.....they'd always been the 'happy couple', two kids looking after each other, and he needed her now more than ever.

He tiptoed up to her door, not wanting to give his presence away. Karen swung the door open before he even has chance to knock. "It's you!" She sounded angry and almost hurt. "Can I come in?" he asked, but there was a note of regret in his voice, he was having second thoughts about being here. "Ok"

Karen's house always smelt so good, he felt at home there, it was like an escape for him, home life got to him most days. He slide into a chair which used to be reserved just for him, this had changed. Karen had changed. She dressed the same but her attitude was different, snottier, yet more corrupt and indecent.

Still, Benji had to say this, make her see, feel his pain, understand his feelings. "I miss you!" he sang, it rang out in the cold air like no one was listening. Karen just stood there examining her nails. "Ok" She chimed again, like one of those stupid telephone recordings. "Why did you leave?" It was a simple question but Karen screwed up her whole face in concentration. "IT WASN'T BLOODY WORKING! That's why! Can't you see? Your so blind sometime Benji!. Your just not my type!"

Benji almost laughed at this common cliché of life, he knew he wasn't her type, but they'd always loved each other. Personality was what mattered to them, he thought that was what made them different, better than other couples. Beauty wasn't in type, she knew that. He'd always found her beautiful, flowing jet black hair and big shining eyes. She loved his punk rough look, didn't she? Was she just making a mockery of all the things they'd said? Had she lied?

He stood up, angry, but wanting her back, wanting to see her smile again, she was his life!

"I love you!" he shouted as if she were a million miles away, she might well have been. All he could see was her in his life, but now instead of being the hand outstretched to pull him up, she was the one holding him under the water.