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Ok, so here's how the story goes. Joel gets up and starts walking out of the door. (he's going to the supermarket!)

Benji: Dude, where you going?

Joel: To the supermarket! Where else?!

Benji: Why the hell you going there?

Joel: *Hands on hips* Well if you must know, we are out of decent bog roll and you know I only use top of the range!

Benji: *sighs* Won't newspaper do?

Joel: NO!

Benji: Fine! I'm coming too, and err I need to bring Cashdogg.

Joel: *Gives Benji funny look* Why?

Benji: Shut up! That's how the story goes....just play along!

Joel: O.....rite....ok.....Sure Benji and Cash can come *winks*

Benji: You got something in your eye?

Joel: Dude, shut up!


Joel, Benji and Cash are walking down a dark street, erm its suddenly night time now *cough* just imagine, or nod and smile, either will do!

Benji: Im scared, its suddenly gone dark and all the people who live around here are gone!?

Joel: Shhhhhhh, your ruining the story line.

*Out jumps Billy in a bat costume*


Billy: Actually im a bat

Joel: Erm, Billy you pants are erm moving. Are you ok? You know what the doctor told you about taking too many viagra!

Billy: *cough* Joel those are my hamsters, all 127 of them infact. Look there's Jody, Simon, Willow, Martin, Freda...

Benji: Yeh erm Billy?! Why don't you come to the supermarket with us?

Billy and Joel together: WHY?

Benji: *thinks* There's a pet show on, top rocking hamster is being judged *nods and smiles*

Billy: well....ok, if your tricking me Benji, I swear I'll.....

Benji: What?

*Billy whispers to Benji*

Benji: *wide eyed* O....erm...ok, there ain't no competition, just come anyway.....plz!

Billy: Ar, right I get you *winks* I'll come.

Benji: Will everybody stop with the winking already.


The three guys finally arrive at the supermarket after they manage to prevent Cashdogg from attacking Billy and eating his hamsters. Its day again now and the supermarket is packed out with people.

Billy: Weird, its not usually this busy.

Joel: *Grins* I know! *Rolls eyes in freaky fashion.

Benji: .....rite.....Be quick getting the roll, me and Cash can't stand out here forever.

Billy: NO! YOU MUST ENTER! *In big booming voice*

*Joel and Benji stare at Billy mouths open*

Billy: Sorry, I erm don't know what happened there *looks at feet* sorry guys!

All three guys push their way in and poor Cashdogg gets tied up (Benji is sort of scared of Billy at this point) Joel makes a quick dash for the bog roll and picks up an organic, recycled, scented, homeless person, hamster friendly one.

Joel: mmmmmm honey suckle! HEY! LOOK! there's Paul!

Benji: Awwwwwww and he's brought the retirement home on an outing- sweet!

Paul: Yo! How do guys?!

All together: Great!

Paul: Any special reason your all here together?!

Before the guys can answer a message booms out on the loud speakers: 'AND NOW THE MOMENT YOU'VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR...GOOD CHARLOTTE LIVE IN YOUR VERY OWN LOCAL SUPERMARKET'

Joel: Wha?

Benji: When did we arrange this?

Billy: *whiney voice* I look like a freak! Everyone's  gonna see me in my bat costume!

Paul: hehe, surprise! I used my newly found hypnotic powers to lour you all here, its a treat for Dolly and her pals!

*Benji whispers to Billy*

Benji: yeah, that's right Billy, a double nipple twister supreme followed by several painful wedgies....Perfect!

Joel: GET HIM!!!

I think I'll leave them there, brawling on the upswept supermarket floor in true GC style! Aurevoir!