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What are you waiting for?

By Lynsey Rogers 

Chapter 1- Desperate Measures


A pale and confused reflection stood before his eyes as he studied his appearance in the bathroom mirror.

His dark, tired eyes had clearly seen better days and his mind failed to differ much in comparison.

“I hate this” Joel thought as he ran a hand through his limp and unwashed hair.

He sighed a deep, and heart breaking sigh as he thought back to the previous night. Well, the little he could remember. It was another drug and alcohol induced blur. He hated himself for his actions, but he was just another wasted statistic in the rock and roll world. He’d gotten caught up in the all too familiar scene of varying drugs and copious amounts of alcohol. He’d never been much of a drinker in his adolescent days, despite the troubles he has faced. Drugs were never something he’d associated himself with, despite their availability.

But when GC took off to the dizzy heights of fame, Joel lost control, despite the promises he ‘d made to himself. He has let himself become controlled by others, and for a time he didn’t care. He revelled in the attention and love thrust his way. But those superficial groupies and fame seekers knew nothing of the real Joel. And right now, Joel knew nothing much of himself either. He’d changed, and he didn’t like what now stared back at him.

He took a deep breath and looked slowly over past the empty pill and beer bottles to his unmade bed.

He stared intently at the slim and fragile figure that lay peacefully in a deep sleep. Her eyes fluttered restlessly, as if in a dream, “probably one without me” Joel cursed himself angrily. It was Kate. The only consistent thing in his life. She was his sweetheart, cheesy but true. She was the only girl who looked past the image and saw the real Joel. But she sure played hard to get! They’d had a few ups and downs, but shared two happy years together.

Well, that was until recently. In the past few months Kate had witnessed Joel begin his downward spiral. She hated seeing him like this, and didn’t Joel know it.

She’d spend dawn sitting up in bed, sobbing quietly to herself, looking back over old photographs and letters. Sometimes she’d mutter her despair over Joel, desperate for someone to intervene. She thought that no one would ever hear these cries, but she was wrong. Joel heard every word, and hated himself even more as every soul-destroying sob racked her body.

Joel moved from the mirror and kneeled on the stained carpet beside her. He stroked her soft, blonde hair and stared at her beautiful, but worn face.  Dark circles shrouded her once sparkling eyes, and her forehead displayed lines that hardened her face.

She’d no longer been hid girlfriend, she’d become the girl who’d watch Joel drink himself into a state, carry his wasted body to bed and grudgingly clean up the vomit that adorned the floor.

Her life no longer lovingly revolved around Joel, instead she sat awaiting the next call from Benji to say that Joel was in a gutter somewhere, and needed to be taken home. It was either that or a call from some girl o say she’d hooked up with Joel the previous night. Kate didn’t know what to believe anymore and let herself sink into a deeper depression.

There was a time when she’d imagined marrying Joel and having the 2.4 children image.

But that seemed a long way off. She was struggling to make another day with Joel, never mind a lifetime. But her love for him kept her there and the fear of what he could possibly become without her.


Joel seemed to read these thoughts as he studied her tear-stained face. He wanted to be with her so much, but the new Joel had changed things. He’d become withdrawn, ill tempered, his only concerns being his next joint or drink.

He was pushing her away, but felt there was no way out of this crazed existence. He was ashamed to admit that he had cheated on her, with any groupie who showed a remote interest in him. But he was often too spaced out to care. But she came back every time and he made the same empty promises that were all too easily broken in this existence. But he was trapped, and felt every bit more claustrophobic as the days passed by, as painfully as ever.

A tear fell down his weathered cheek as he thought of his life. His Mom would be crushed if she knew the truth, and his Father was probably doing the same things, day in, day out. But he couldn’t blame him for this any longer, this was his entire fault.

He choked back pending tears as he kissed his finger and placed it softly on Kate’s cheek. He couldn’t do this to her anymore, she deserved everything more.

He let the tears fall onto the bed sheets as he got up and scanned the room for something.

“I love you,” He whispered, weakly, taking one last look at Kate, as he picked up the many packets of tablets and left the room.


Chapter 2- the bitter end?


Kate stirred and glanced at the clock on her neat bedside cabinet. She sighed and buried herself in the sheets. It didn’t matter what time, or even day it was. Kate knew what was going to happen. But something was different about today. She had some news for Joel. Some serious, life-altering news.

Her delight at it was soon masked by the state of her current life. No way was Joel fit to be a Father right now, harsh words, but Kate knew the truth. Her heart ached as she thought about all of this, “If only this had come a few years earlier, then maybe things would be different, but maybe this will change things!” she thought to herself as she sleepily turned over in bed to be greeted by empty space.

Her stomach turned nervously. Joel never usually got up before her; in fact he usually depended on her to help him. She took in a deep breath and got up, slowly moving across the room towards the bathroom, with its light blinding and irritating Kate’s eyes.

She groaned and pushed open the heavy door, expecting to see a hung over Joel with his head oh-so-gracefully down the toilet.

Instead she let out an ear-piercing scream, steadying herself on the towel rack, as she searched for her phone. Her hands trembled violently as she franticly dialled the first number she could recall. She could feel the sweat drenching her brow and the sickness return instantly to her stomach as she heard Benji’s familiar voice on the receiving end of her early morning call.

“Benji” she blurted out hysterically.

“Please…Round here…quick!” she cried uncontrollably as she stared at the lifeless body that lay before her. She dropped the phone in her hysteria and crashed to the floor. Her heart breaking with sobs, she sent erratic punches into Joel’s body, frantically searching for signs of life within him.


Chapter 3 - Emotionless


Benji placed his head in his hands and played erratically with his lip ring. He always did this when he was nervous. The clock ticked endlessly behind him, and every other sound faded into a blur. He didn’t even know what to say, think or feel for that matter.

His head was spinning a million thoughts as he paced the dark and cold corridor. Despite the million thoughts polluting his mind, Benji could only think of one thing. Joel’s pale and lifeless face as he was carried away by the ambulance men. 

“How could I have let this happen?” he cursed himself repeatedly. He knew something like this was destined to happen, but he also knew that he had been powerless to prevent it.

Benji was crashed back down to earth when an emotional Kate burst through the dark wooden doors.

“He’s ok,” she sobbed, Benji immediately pulling her into a tight hug.

Benji breathed a deep sigh of relief whilst mustering up the little strength he had to comfort a shattered Kate.

Benji felt numb. He was running on no sleep, and no matter how hard he tried, he could not get that horrific image of Joel to exit his hazed head.

“Shall we go see him?” Benji soothed, placing an arm around Kate’s shaking shoulders.

“Yeh…ok” Kate muffled, looking desperately into Benji’s eyes, searching for an answer to this mess. Benji steadied her as they made their way into the cold, sickly green room. He looked across the room to see his brother sitting up weakly in bed. They looked at each other for a moment, waiting for someone to say something. Benji saw the wires and tubes connected to his brother and immediately ran to his bedside, grabbing him into a tight hug.

It was then that Joel cried, and really cried. All of his inhibitions disappeared as he filled the room with heart breaking cries.

Benji let got too. This pain was all too familiar and raw for him to hold in.

They stopped, and look at each other for a moment. Joel saw the hurt in Benji’s eyes and realised exactly what he had done.

“I’ve messed up, haven’t I?” 

Joel muttered, staring shamefully at his brilliant white bed sheets.

Benji nodded. “I just don’t understand it all dude” he spoke quietly in reply. “I mean, I knew you were excessing, but I thought you’d sort it out, at least for your love of Kate.” He spoke sternly.

They both glanced over to Kate, who had been withdrawn until now. 

“I know, dude, I know. I’ve messed up and I’m sorry for al the stuff I’ve put you guys through. But I’ll sort myself out, I promise. I can’t go on like this any longer.”

Benji placed a hand on Joel’s shoulder.

“And we’ll be with you every step of the way” he enthused.

Joel smiled, but saddened as he looked over at Kate, desperately searching for some kind of reaction.

“I do love you Kate, more than anything in this world” He spoke weakly, on the verge of tears, “we can get through this, can’t we?” he asked hopefully. Kate sighed and looked up slowly from the floor to Joel’s pale face.

“Joel, I’m pregnant.”



Chapter 4 – Letting go


 Joel’s head spun as those few words entered his head. He looked helplessly at an equally confused Benji.

“Honey… are you sure?” he managed to blurt out in his daze.

Kate sighed.

“ I know its bad timing, Joel, but I’m sure. I couldn’t quite believe it myself.”

Joel took in some deep breaths.

“I will sort things out…I need to…But I’ll understand if you can’t take me back”

Kate sniffed.

“I need to know that you really will do it this time, Joel. You’ve made empty promises before.”

Joel sighed. He felt ashamed.

“So that’s it?” He asked gloomily.

At this, Kate rushed to his bedside and looked intently into his eyes.

“No” she said, pulling him into a slow kiss.

Joel smiled inside as she kissed him. Why had he done all this? Kate was all he needed.

He smelt her familiar perfume as they hugged, burying themselves in the comfort of each other’s arms.

Kaye pulled away and spoke shyly.

“But I think we should cool it off for a while, just until you sort yourself out.”

Joel nodded in silent agreement.

Kate placed a hand over Joel’s palpitating heart, and spoke, her voice full of emotion;

“I love you Joel, and I always will. Remember that.”

Joel smiled, unsure how to feel.

“Right back at ya!” he smirked slightly, stroking Kate’s face with a shaking hand.

At this, a nurse entered the room, brandishing pamphlets for counselling and various help groups for Joel.

Benji followed in soon after, bringing with him food and drink.

Later that evening, Paul, Billy and Chris also visited a strengthening Joel.

“I can do this,” he thought to himself, surrounded by his lifeblood of friends and family.

He couldn’t remember a time when he was this happy and relaxed without being wasted.

By 2am, everyone has gone home except Kate.

Instead, she lay in the bed with Joel, his hands sweetly cradling her stomach, occasionally reaching up to her loose hair and running their way slowly through it.

Kate felt relaxed for once. There were no drugs, no alcohol, no pain, no fighting, just her and Joel, bodies relaxed and intertwined.

It was in this moment of peace that Kate felt a great hope for the future. She smiled to herself; sure that Joel felt the same.


Chapter 5- Hard Goodbyes


Kate cried effortlessly as she packed up the remainder of her belongings. She didn’t want it to be this way, but she knew that there was no other option. It was either this, or stand by and watch Joel destroy himself again. She couldn’t do that, she loved him too much to let it all happen again.

She walked slowly into the living room to find Joel reading a book. She giggled as she read the title;

“How to be a good Father” Joel looked up and smiled.

He walked over to Kate and kneeled on the floor; cradling his hands around her expanding stomach and kissed it softly.

“Heya there, I’m your Daddy and I can’t wait to see you!”

Kate burst into a fit of giggles.

“What?!” Joel said, embarrassed slightly, “It says that you should talk to the baby so your voice is familiar.” Joel justified, motioning towards the book.

Kate ran a hand through his hair,

“I think it’s cute” she smiled planting a kiss on his cheek.

Joel sighed and pulled Kate in close.

“I’m gona miss you” he soothed, breathing in her familiar perfume one last time. 

Kate stifled the tears and attempted a smile for Joel.

“I’m gona miss you too” she spoke quietly, memorising every inch of his face as she spoke.

They stood, just looking at each other for a while until a cough was heard.

“Hey guys, umm its time for us to head off Kate.” It was Benji.

Kate took a deep breath and picked up her bags.

She gave Joel a final kiss and scanned the room, taking in her surroundings for one last time.


Chapter 6 – I know you want to stay…


Kate woke one sunny morning, to be greeted by a sloppy kiss from none other than Cashdogg.

She giggled, and as she did so, felt a twinge in her stomach. She smiled and placed a hand over her now rather large stomach.

She was now 8 months pregnant and ready to burst by the minute. She smiled as she thought about how great things were going.

Her baby was growing healthily, she felt happy, relaxed and was surrounded by the people she loved dearly everyday.

Best of all, her and Joel were like how they used to be when they began dating.

Although they had agreed to be just friends for now, Kate was glad of their closeness.

They would phone each other everyday, laughing, joking and recalling memories. Sometimes Kate would hold the receiver to her stomach so Joel could talk nonsense to their baby.

Kate loved every minute of it; in fact, right now she loved every minute of her life.

He heart leapt into her mouth as she received a message from Joel one night.

“Heya hun, Its Joel. I’m missing you loads, how about we meet up tonight? The beach at 7? Okay, I’ll see ya later.”

Kate smiled as she reached for her jacket and headed through the dark night to the beach.


Chapter 7- One more night with you


Joel stuffed his cold hands into his pockets and made his way slowly towards the beach.

He smiled to himself as he thought about how far he’d come. He had been clean and sober for over 7 months now, and was beginning to like what he saw in the mirror again.

Kate made it all worthwhile. Just the thought of her and their unborn child gave Joel the drive he needed to defeat his demons.

He couldn’t stop the grin from overtaking his face as he approached Kate, who was standing at the water’s edge looking lost in thought.

“Hey” He called out, his heart beating in a way that only Kate could make happen.

“Hey!” she replied, pulling him into a hug.

They stood, embedded in one another, saying little, but enjoying this intimacy that they had gone without for so long.

Then, they sat on the beach, talking about anything and everything.

It was great to be back in her company, Joel thought as he watched her laugh; she always looked beautiful when she laughed.

Right then he prayed that they could have one more chance together, just one more night with the woman he loved.

Kate caught sight of his pondering position and reached out for his hand.

They looked at each other for a moment and Kate felt her breathing increase rapidly as Joel studied her face.

Kate took the initiative and leaned in towards Joel. Things had never felt so uncomplicated as they sat, bringing in the night together.


Chapter 8 – New arrivals


Kate woke up the nest morning finding herself wrapped in Joel’s familiar arms.

She smiled and burrowed her way underneath the bed sheets, wishing that they could stay like this forever.

Kate felt a slight pain in her stomach, but ignored it, getting up to make some breakfast.

She smiled as she felt a pair of arms wrap themselves around her waist, and lips plant a kiss on her cheek.

But as she turned around to return the kiss, the pain in her stomach grew worse and caused Kate to collapse on the floor.

Joel rushed beside her desperately searching for an explanation to her pain.

She felt her waters break and looked helplessly at Joel, who knew exactly what he had to do.




Joel paced the corridor nervously as he awaited news.

His mood was one of excitement and nerves as she stared longingly at the clock, wishing that time would pass quicker. Just then, a figure burst through the wooden doors, approaching Joel excitedly.

“It’s a boy!” the figure exclaimed loudly, patting Joel on the back in a congratulatory manner.

Joel rushed down the corridor, a million thoughts rushing through his head.

“I’m a dad!” he cried excitedly to anyone who would listen, to be returned with polite smiles at his outburst.

He rushed into Kate’s room and stopped in his tracks as he saw Kate sitting up in bed, cradling their newborn son.

She motioned Joel towards the bed and he took slow steps towards the amazing sight before his eyes.

He sat on the edge of the bed, an arm around Kate’s shoulder and the other nervously cradling his tiny, peaceful and beautiful son.

“Wow” he mumbled, looking and his son and Kate simultaneously.

Kate smiled and kissed him softly, “I know!” she replied in amazement.

Joel had now realised the meaning of life, and it lay right beside him, and he would never, ever let it go…