Crazy presents students with the opportunity creatively express their learning
in nutrition and is a fun way for them to test their own and others'
knowledge. Students use the cognitive process of application and can build
on their experiences from prior lessons.
The worksheet that
the activity is an instructional guide for accessing and working through
the linked website Puzzlemaker. |
Through Diet is an activity that allows students to investigate nutrition
through real concepts and personalisation. Students use the cognitive
process of knowledge and evaluation to discover the nutritious value of
some of their favourite fast foods. This is an activity that will engage
the students interests and contribute to their personal dietary choices.
This activity relates to the unit lessons 3 and 5.
The worksheet that
this activity is designed to organise the information students retrieve
and prompt them to evaluate the their findings. |
Pyramid Fun provides students with a broader insight to the cultural
influences that nutrition has on food choices and guidelines. Students
will use the cognitive processes knowledge, comprehension and analysis for
this activity which relates to lesson 1.
The worksheet that
this activity requires students to answer questions regarding the range of
food pyramids . |
Health Research activity provides the students with the opportunity to
choose what they want to learn. This investigative task introduces
students to the topic of diet related health problems, and serves as a
building block for further learning in following lessons. As the unit has
not covered this topic, it allows students the chance to use the cognitive
process of knowledge in the initial stage of learning about this topic.
This activity relates to content covered in lesson 8.
The worksheet that accompanies
this activity prompts students to answer questions that will help them
build a base knowledge of such health related issues. |
Review encourages students to consider hot topics which are related to
nutrition and determine their viewpoint regarding the issues. By using
this activity students are undertaking cognitive processes of knowledge
and comprehension. This activity relates to content in lesson 9
The worksheet that accompanies
this activity prompts students to gain knowledge and understanding through
questions regarding the article. This is a sound practice for students to
develop skills in reading and interpreting information.
Health Tools Activity is a fun way for students to learn about the aspects
concerning nutrition and their bodies. It allows them to learn the
importance in a healthy lifestyle while evaluating their personal
nutritional health. Students can apply their prior knowledge and see how
it is relevant, here they are shown how nutrition relates to a real life
experience. This activity relates to the content in lessons 4 and 5.
The worksheet that
accompanies this activity is designed for students to record their
personal results and prompts them to evaluate their findings. The
worksheet also contains questions that help the students see the links
between different aspects of nutrition.