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--Forensic scientist do a number of things. There day could consist of the night-time hours or the day-time hours. Their routine might be going out to a crime scene and collecting the evidence, returning to the lab and anaylze it, reenact the scene, write reports, appear in court, and then start all over again. They don't have a set day where they are doing the same thing at the same time each day it varies from day to day.

--Forensic Science Technicians examine, test, and analyze tissue samples, chemical substances, physical materials, and ballistics evidence. To do this they use recording, measuring, and testing equipment.
--Interprets laboratory findings and test results to identify and classify substances, materials, and other evidence collected at crime scene.
--They Collect and preserve criminal evidence used to solve cases.
Forensic Science Technicians confer with ballistics, fingerprinting, handwriting, documents, electronics, medical, chemical, or metallurgical experts concerning evidence and its interpretation.
Reconstruct crime scene to determine relationships among pieces of evidence.
--Prepare reports or presentations of findings, investigative methods, or laboratory techniques.
Testifies as expert witness on evidence or laboratory techniques in trials or hearings.