(See Part One for rules and explanations.)
Espresso managed to get herself a bronze gardening badge at the last second by going out there
and doing some nighttime weeding, but it wasn't enough to save her: Her low relationship score
with the farmer (and lack of fish) says she is OUT! (Shame, really, considering she's the only
one who has managed to cook something WITHOUT setting the house on fire, so far.)
Meanwhile, Chocolate shows us all that she can not only bring home the fish but cook it up in a
PAN, baby, because (saucy grindy music) she's a...WO-MAN...! no, wait...because her expert
food-aquiring skills allow her to take the lead! Go girl.
Espresso leaves, with everyone waving and giving her a proper send-off.
Walking out to the cab.
Chocolate finally gets in on the act. Those two were really close, by the way. (I have no idea
why I'm always this DRAMATIC! every time someone leaves, I mean, it's not like they're
dying, or anything...I make them a perfectly respectable "runners' up" house of their
own, later on.)
Terrence tries the piano, and here Vanilla learns that three lightning bolts or no, she's not
THAT blindly in love with him. :P
Our eligible young farmer talks about his father's construction company with Peach, while she's
playing chess again.
again. She was just OBSESSED with that chess board. Um, Peach, the logic skill part
of the contest is
later? And you might not even be here by then? And...ah, whatever,
carry on.
(Note that if she IS here by that time, she'll have a significant head start on everyone else,
at least in the Logic Points regard...and it'd be completely legal, since I didn't force her to
do any of this! Totally autonomous.)
Meanwhile, Vanilla decides it's a nice day to go off her nut. Terrence, however, has NO idea
and continues to blither on cluelessly about his favourite Tex-Mex Five-Alarm Chili recipe.
...I just give up at this point.
Ah. FINALLY. (heaves a sigh of relief) GOOD pictures! This is when I figured out that, for
whatever reason, the in-game screenshotting thing wasn't working right and switched over to
Hypersnap. Course, you also get a face full o' game stats, but hey. :P
Blueberry takes care of the orchard. Really really
good care. Look, if any of you girls
turns into a plant, your sun lamps ain't comin' outta MY paycheck.
INVISIBLE CELL PHONE. Seriously, what the
heck does this gesture mean?
Also, if she's trying to call him on a non-existent phone, I'd like to point out that he's
Oh-HO, look who showed up! It's the Third Doctor! HI DOCTOR!! (waves) I deliberately placed
this contest in Veronaville because I've got that neighborhood virtually
infested with
Who-characters and hoped they would make amusing cameos...and yet it took this long for any of
them to show up. Well at least
somebody did.
(Yeah, I know that outfit isn't exactly right for him. I got a better one later...which doesn't
appear here.)
NOBODY can resist the Doctor's awesomeness! (falls over laughing) Man...
Then, naturally, they decide to...play catch. Of course. The frightening/amusing thing is, it
is NOT hard to imagine him actually doing this. Nope. Not at all.
In the background, Vanilla gets an early start on the actual task of the day (after the
"morning" gardening routine)--studying Cooking! FINALLY...
(That's the main reason why the timing got thrown so off on this thing--well that, and me
letting them study skills until they DROP instead of setting a time limit----the
freaking...greenhouse. I learned from the first attempt at this contest that it doesn't have to be
THAT huge, but apparently I didn't shrink it down
enough, because they were still working
on the daily routine of just "wake up and garden" by MID-AFTERNOON! I started shrinking it a
bit every time a contestant left and it
still took forever. But, this is a
farmhouse...we MUST have crops.)
Chocolate would like to remind us all that she is still very very hot. Thank you.
(She kept randomly SLINKing by the camera whenever I was concentrating on a whole bunch of chaos
somewhere else, and it started cracking me up. So...)
Mint goes to start studying...still in her PJ's. Like I said, the timing gets thrown off. I eventually gave up trying to
naturally make everybody feel good at the same time so they could all do the contests at once, and started boolpropping them out of their skulls.
For the uninitiated, "boolprop TestingCheatsEnabled true" is a cheat that allows you to do all kinds of weird things to a Sim, including the ever-popular one that artificially makes everybody
in the house feel WONDERFUL, for no reason. Very popular for Sims that are raising toddlers...
...and they're STILL playing catch! Seriously, I just left Terrence alone all day...and this is
what he did...
Which of course then devolved into the obligatory WATER BALLOON FIGHT! Scary thing, I can
still see the Doctor doing this. Some of him, anyway.
All the remaining contestants actually studying at the same time (briefly) and a much nicer shot
than before of the first-floor interior. (I think Terrence is off trimming the Legacy Tree. I
decided that since it was
his legacy, that one was his responsibility--I didn't force the
girls to take care of it.)
Then Three decides to cool off from all that exertion in the summer heat...by soaking in the
hot-tub. Key word there: HOT. Of
course. Well, he is an alien...
(By the way the Sim version of him here is not an Elder. I wanted him to still move/stand
normal, so I made him an ordinary Adult and gave him a custom silver hairdo. Three is WAY too
energetic to be subjected to moving the shuffly, wheezy way Sim-Elders do, just to get his hair
the right colour.)
A nice shot of Peach in her pj's as she goes to put her book back.
Terrence goes sleepy-bye. Awww...
Vanilla finally gives up...but LOOK how low her needs are! This woman is hard
Over breakfast, Terrence regales the girls with tales of his best game of SimCity, while they
sit too enthralled to eat their omlettes.
Just a nice closeup of Blueberry and Peach, showing Blueberry's perfectly coordinated lipstick
and Peach's freckles, among other things.
A good shot of Chocolate in her normal outfit--I don't think I really got one before.
I just like the lighting in this shot. And Vanilla looks like she's having some kind of Mystical
The other task of the "day" (which we got thrown off a bit by the studying and the FRICKING
GARDENING taking up all the time...) aside from studying Cooking, is Sharing Interests and
Gossipping with each girl.
"Of course, Woodstock was the greatest concert of all.."
"Oh, YEAH, totally!!" ++
"But I just wish our politicians today would give peace a chance, you know?"
And then he spontaneously tells a dirty joke to Chocolate. I don't even want to KNOW what that
speech balloon and that body language have to do with each other...
Yes, she KNOWS the gossip about the fire, she was
Money is always a welcome subject...especially
his money.
In the middle of all this, Mint just FREAKS OUT again, and Peach watches quietly. Ohh, dear.
still suffering from that fire, Aspiration-wise.
Showing incredible tact, Terrence gossips about Vanilla right in front of her (WHAT he's saying,
I'm not sure...)
And then he talks about his favourite sport. "I love skiing!" "WOW ME TOO!" ++
(cracks up) I LOVE the expressions this woman makes when she plays chess. They are
And she's STILL playing it. Um, Peach, honey, the chess part is still
later, and...oh
VANILLA MOVES IN! The first spontaneous romantic gesture of the contest, caught on tape! No, I
didn't have ACR at the time (a hack that allows Sims to do more "romantic" things with each
other without your directing them to...up to and including making babies). This was just her
own natural horni--er, romanticness kicking in, here.
And we have first crush! The audience dies from LACK of surprise.
Blueberry decides to drown her troubles in a nice vat of dangerous mutagenic chemicals.
Gardening, the natural way!
Terrence then gossips to Peach about the fire. She KNOWS, she was THERE...! (The problem is,
nothing else gossip-worthy has actually happened yet...)
"Did you catch the World Cup this year?" "OHMYGODYES!!" ++
But even the most enthralling conversation cannot compete with...Vanilla's BAD PIANO PLAYING OF
he, likes it. Wow, he really does have it bad.
Celeste Rossi, Mail-Carrier and Serial Walk-By Hugger of cats everywhere! (Well, with my other
families, she keeps randomly glomping their cats
when she hasn't even met them yet. You're supposed to already have a good relationship with a pet before options like that even show up...)
Here she is delivering the bills--I mean "mail", while Oberon throws a stick for his invisible
Oh, there it is. Wow, how was that thing invisible...?
"Oh, and I LOVE flapjacks. Don't you?"
Then three of the girls get into a major hen-fest gossip session the second they're done
weeding. Heh. (They're talking about work...which is interesting considering NONE OF THEM HAVE
He spontaneously plays chess, and she innocently decides to sit down and spend some quality time
with him.
Aww, poor Chocolate. She has hugs for everyone, but nobody wants them.
And that's it, for this session. Finally, eh?
TIME for hijinks and smustling good times down at Red's Diner (an actual other location!
GASP!) and...more studying! Until then...later days!