Name: Hawkeye Perryth
Human Name: John Johnson/p>
Picture: none yet
Rank: none that he tells about
Family: A large herd of bloodthirsty Dark Unicorns
Age: 1793
Hair Color: black
Eye Color: blue
Birthday: Sept 30
Power: Water
Special Abilities: healing, purifying water.
Bio: John is the younger son of one of the most powerful Dark Unicorns. At his birth a soothsayer said that he would be the one to lead his kind into a golden age, but he was slightly neglected as a child and most attention was given to his much more satisfactory elder brother. John had always been very mild by nature and he hated his way of life when he killed to survive. He ran away from his home and eventually ran into Wolf. For some strange reason the two became the best of friends. John is terrified of his family and there is nothing that scares him more then the thought of them coming after him.
Author's Comments: John's really been through alot. When he was first made, he was really just some unicorn that was there to be kinda funny, but there was the problem with his past and the fact that he didn't have one. So...this came to me in the middle of the night...I need to sleep more or something...
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