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At the International School of Panama, we, the teachers in the Mathematics Department, believe that Math is a life-long tool for which each student has innate ability. Our function as a department is to guide our students to discover that ability and develop their mathematical knowledge, skills, concepts, and principles. Math is a language whose power increases exponentially as different skills and concepts are mastered and are communicated in a variety of contexts. The study of Math is not merely calculations but a provocation of application, abstract thought and synthesis necessary for the development of logical, critical and creative thinking. The development of such skills will assist students in finding solutions to problems in all disciplines. In addition, the study of Math includes the development of technological literacy. Finally, we believe that a rich Math program fosters enjoyment and appreciation for the International dimensions of Mathematics and the multiplicity of its cultural and its historical perspectives.

Therefore, we will:

Emphasize the importance of using mathematical language in the classroom. Students are required to know and verbalize many mathematical terms relevant to each class.

Require students to apply problem solving methods using calculations, theory and research to develop the question “Why?”

Offer math courses with varied content designed to meet individual strengths and weaknesses

Incorporate the use of technology by introducing calculators and computers in the classroom

Require students to participate in projects applying Mathematics to international and cross-curricular topics.