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OK - Calling all those who praise and worship the Lord Jesus Christ:

It seems very obvious that over the last month or so, we all have had nothing but problems in one way or another. Yes, blessings sprinkled in here and there, but not like they should be. I know what our family alone has been through. I read the letters from people of the attacks and troubles that are happening, and I don't feel sorry - I FEEL ANGRY! I know many share this feeling.
However, we need to be sure to focus our anger at the right target!

We all know that we are drawing ever-nearer to His glorious return. In that, the P&W people are going to under more and more severe attack.

Satan is going to do everything he can to keep us quiet, keep us
discouraged and down, and try to move us out of our places.

Some of this upcoming warfare will be good. Churches will be shaking as well, as God wants a clean Bride. As most everyone knows, this latest time is a time of teamwork, breaking down of barriers of all kinds, and promotion of unity. I encourage everyone to HANG ON. The quakes within the body have been foretold many times, and we are starting to see them. The new year will only bring even more. Please know that God is also raising up new leadership.

Many who have been in the shadows will now be in the light, and some will indeed be called to step down. There is a changing of the guard at many churches beginning to take place. Sadly, some churches will fall completely. That is OK - God will raise up another! We must be so careful to be after HIS heart and do things HIS way!

It is time for this list to BAND TOGETHER and make a commitment to PRAY!! We need to PRAY for the worshippers, PRAY for the praisers, PRAY for the P&W TEAMS, PRAY for our churches.

This may sound elementary, but if we Really tallied the time, how much of our prayer time has been spent on this? Not much. I am more convinced than ever that the enemy KNOWS his time is growing shorter, and is launching a full scale attack against anyone involved in worshipping the Lord, and lifting up His name. We all know the Levites went first and were the most open to attack. Well, nothing changed there!

Please group - let's get SERIOUS about our prayers for each other. Not just "bless em Lord" - but real, gut-felt prayers - pour out your hearts to God, BIND the enemy and his forces, and KICK THOSE ATTACKS back into the enemy's camp! It will take UNITY to accomplish this, but God already promised us victory. We are just finding out that all this "lone ranger" stuff is no longer the way it will work. The prayers prayed in the past are not enough any more.

GET TOUGH ON THE ENEMY - The fact is, he wants to KILL you, DESTROY everything you have, and STEAL your anointing. He cannot have your actual anointing, but if he can get you quieted, then he was won something.

LET'S KICK SOME ENEMY TUSH!! I for one, have had enough of being stolen from. How about you? Are you tired of the strife and contention within your group? Tired of bad health? Tired of being tired? Tired of no one helping, or of being overburdened with too many jobs/duties?
God is not the one who causes us to burn out too soon. LET'S USE THE POWER OF UNITY TO BREAK THIS ATTACK FORCE!!

God already promised us the victory, but we can't do it one by one - only together. His army, UNITED.

I call a prayer time Monday nights at 10:30 p.m. CST. If you can't do it at that time, fine, but please choose a time on a Monday, and give 10 minutes to CORPORATE prayer time - no personal requests, no "gimme" prayers. Just bind the power of the enemy against the worshippers. Stand in the gap for your brothers and sisters in Christ. FIGHT! Take back what he is stealing from us - peace, blessings, jobs, songs, etc, etc, etc. Don't be deceived into thinking this does not affect you, because if it doesn't now, it will soon.

BOMBARD the heavenlies with commands to the enemy to
RELEASE the blessings God has for His children,
RELEASE the strongholds of the minds,
RELEASE the power of praise.

Agreed? Anyone with me? (Yeah, I am sticking my neck out. If I pray alone, I will do it, but I doubt I will be alone.) Let's do it - I am ready to kick some demons!

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Please, send in your agreement or your praise reports that resulted from being part of this prayer attack. I look forward to hearing from you and will post the most interesting letters.

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