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(Note - this is our old TOC page.
You can navigate most of the site from the main page now.)

Monday night prayer sessions for worshippers and praisers
in all areas of ministry.
Also - now take our mini-poll on Monday Night Prayer time.

What a strange ministry name! What does it mean?

Do you know Him?

Speaking to the Men of God

Praise and Worship, Who Me??

A Vision Regarding The Cities of the Houston Area

Awards and Memberships Page

NEW! Unity In Christ Website Award
If your site promotes unity in the Body, check this one out!

Inspirational Posters and Prints
You can find some great posters and prints in here,
ready to enjoy from

Please Sign Our Guestbook!

Our Recommended Links

Happenings Around The Katy/Houston Area
Also a new section that contains some Not-So-Local happenings!

A Word for the Body of Christ through Sister Ching Co of the Phillipines

So why the heck are some of the pages so plain?

Brick Busters Ministries Home Page

Thank you for visiting our site today! We hope you return again!
We'd appreciate a click!

We are getting ready to launch two other sites as well.
One will be for resources for Christian singers!
We will post the link in here when it is up and running.
(Goal - 3rd QTR 2000. Yikes - it is taking longer than I expected.). Come back here to check for the link!

The other one will be just for MEN. Yep, just guy stuff, none of that "sissy stuff"! Devil kickin', stronghold bustin', prayin' MEN stuff. Michael will be fielding that one, and will focus on topics pertaining to the men in the Body of Christ, helping them to get into their rightful role as mighty men of God.

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Web site created/maintained by Kingdom Web Design.
Should you encounter any problems with these pages,
please let us know. Thank you!