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Unity Award Recipient List  Home Table of Contents

There is only one Body of Christ! It is mankind's doing to separate into factions, denominations, etc etc. If your site promotes Jesus Christ and His Lordship, unity within the Body of Christ, and does NOT degrade or talk against others in ministry, then you are potentially eligible for this award.

It is a time when God wants us to be uniting. It is destructive to tear apart other ministries, people or churches. We may not agree with them, but we need to take the logs out of our own eyes before dealing with the speck in theirs! Even then, it is up to the Lord to deal with them, not us.

We created this award after our disgust with sites that labeled themselves as Christian, yet dedicated World Wide Web space to tearing apart other ministries. (What a waste to use the bandwidth to degrade and separate those whose Lord is Jesus Christ!)

If you would like to apply for this award, just send us your request with your site's URL. We will review the sites as soon as time allows. Should your site qualify, we will send you the instructions to download the award artwork, and the HTML code to use on your page. BBM retains the sole discretion to decide which sites are accepted or declined for this award.

(Note - if you have applied fairly recently for this award, we apologize for any delay in getting back with you. We are catching up as fast as we can! Thank you for your grace in waiting.)

We will also be listing the award recipients' links on this page, so others can check out sites that are more concerned with lifting UP Jesus than cutting DOWN others!

Actual award will have month in which it was awarded,
and of course, will not have "Sample" written across it!

- Links to recipients of the winners of the Unity In Christ award -

MAY 2000:

Robin Stucky

Bobby Quick

JUNE 2000:

Ignite Conferences
Focusing on seeing the people of Vancouver BC turn back to God.


February 2001 coming soon! Many have applied.

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