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Brick Busters Ministries - what a strange name!! What does that mean? Do you guys bust bricks with your head or something?

Well, we will leave THAT part to other ministries! Let us tell you about THIS one.....

BBM came about as a result of a vision from the Lord given to us while we were home fellowship leaders back in 1991. We were seeking a way to see our group freed from the bondages they were encountering in their everyday lives. Our hearts ached as we saw them bound by forces that Jesus had already defeated.

The Spirit imparted a vision to us that these bondages were much like bricks, that the saints were carrying with them on a day-to-day basis. Each brick represented a burden or bondage. Many Christians were carrying an incredible load of bricks, none of which was necessary to carry! They were breaking under the heavy load.

Think of how hard it is to carry even one brick around all the time. Imagine if you had to take it everyplace you went. (And we mean EVERY place!) You would soon tire of it, and start to resent the brick! It probably would not take too much of the day before you started speaking some not-so-nice things about it! It is hard to do anything to the fullest with one or more of your hands holding onto bricks!

Yet, that is precisely what the Body of Christ is doing on a daily basis. Each bondage that we deal with as humans on this earth - lust, depression, anger, fear.....even things we did not choose - things that happened to us in the past....Jesus won the victory for us over all these things when He died on the cross. He not only gave us the victory, but offers to carry our burdens for us, making the load easy and light. The offer is there, free for the taking, yet many of us turn it down! We steadfastly hang onto each and every brick, claiming some sort of strange "ownership" over them.

How many times has a bondage in your life kept you from doing something you wanted to do? How many times were your hands too full of your own bricks to reach out and help someone else? The weight of them alone is staggering.

How many bricks are you carrying even today? Do not be deceived any longer! Each thing that keeps you from being 100% committed to the Lord is a bondage or a "brick". He wants you to have a full life, not a partial life, just existing and wishing things were different. The Lord has the power to "bust" every "brick" you are willing to give up carrying. Let the Master Brick Buster move in your life today!

May God bless you!

Michael & Beth Muffley

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