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Through much warring in the spirit, this vision came to me from the Lord:

In these last days, God is saying you are either going to be for Him or against Him. You will choose to serve or you will choose not to. Those who choose to serve will be greatly blessed and those who choose not to serve will be cut off.

I am not talking about sin. I am talking about the people who will speak against this coming move of God, saying this is not of God, or that person is not of God. The ones who judge this move, again I say, will be cut off from the flow of God.

God has said that it is not the city of Houston, it is the CITIES of Houston. Like a large circle, all around the city, with Houston in the middle. This includes all the smaller cities around the Houston area.

There is a dark cloud over the cities even now. I also see black fog coming from the north, east, west and south and it is going to be as if the people will say "there is a storm coming". The darkness is filth and perversion. There will be more black fog coming in. The black fog is the demonic forces that are assigned to this area.

It will seem to be as if an explosion takes place, where you have the mushrooming effects of the explosion going off, with the rippling effects spreading across the different areas of the city.

This rippling, the prayers of the saints, is going to push back on this fog, and it will retreat, pull back, from the center out . As the darkness pulls back from the center, it will begin to disappear. It is in this circle where God's anointing will flow.

I also saw large, black, ravenous dogs chasing the dark forces, biting them, pulling at them, tearing things from them. The ravenous dogs were the prayers of the warriors going forth, pulling the bondages off of the people.

This will only happen when the Church catches God's vision: all pastors, all prophets, apostles, evangelists, teachers - the general leadership (recognized and unrecognized) of the churches - when they get a hold of this last day vision without resistance, without fighting, without judgement. We need to have total unity in the Body and get the members functioning in the area of their calling. Then will God pour out His spirit on our cities.

Michael Muffley
Brick Busters Ministries

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July 16, 1999