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Well, here is more about us
than you probably wanted to know....
Here are a few shots of
us in our day-to-day lives.....


After The Picnic
Michael, at the last
church picnic.
(Iddn't he cute?)


Carpet Colors?
Michael and I trying to decide
if we should order blue or gray


Cutting through red tape
Michael cutting through red tape
at the last budget meeting.


Cure Found for Dry Sermons
I had a great year -
this honor happened after
I discovered a cure
for lifeless sermons.


Everyone wins with Jesus!
Wow! A chance to be on tv
came a while back....
But I didn't get the Big Money....


Matt 7:3-4
Here's the men hauling off
some of the work
the Lord has done in us over the years....

Are you disappointed?
I'm sorry! I have not had an opportunity
to scan any pictures in for this part yet.
Rest assured, no celebrities were harmed
in the making of this page. (Also, for those
who have asked, all the pictures used are freely
available on the internet!)

Please check back in the future
for some pictures of the real us!
(Not nearly as exciting, but hey.....)

We could use a click if you have the time.
Thank you!

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