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will, sid and adam are the three skiineist brown guys you'll ever meet( says the guy from the elmo)who alos play really good punk/funk/rock music. they are all collectively known as who's your daddy


W.Y.D. is a local Brampton band. They started practing together sometime during 1999, i believe. They've gone through some name changes. Orignially they were called Similar Apperance, an old guitar player of their's, Sean, made up that name. Then they were called Friends of P. Now they are W.Y.D. which stands for who's your daddy?

They started off a as five piece band including: Ryan-vocals & guitar, Sean-guitar, Sid-bass, Will-guitar and Adam-drums. Then Sean was kicked out. That's when they became a four-piece band. After a while of pratices and two Coffee House's, Ryan was kicked out. Then in search for a singer before their first gig at the el Mocambo (Oct.20/00) they got Julie. She sang most songs and Will also sang. Shortly after that gig they kicked Julie out. Now they are a 3-piece band. Will sings and Adam does back up. Sid said to some one last week at the elmo, "I can't sing, I tried it."

W.Y.D. was a part of a Loud Sound Developpment BAttle of The Bands competition. The first show was Oct,20/00 and they adavnced to the second round due to the large number of tickets they sold, their onsatge preformance and crowd reaction. The second round was the the el Mocambo on Sat.Dec.25.00. That show was about three days ago, so they're waiting to find out if they made eit to the final round. W.Y.D. and several other local acts all participated in this battle of the bands including: Naplam Hat, Last In Line, Neighbourhood Watch, harbinger, & many more.

Come down to the el mocambo on friday dec. 22 for the finals of the battle of the bands. harbinger will also be there along with many other bands.

Friday June 2nd was the absolute finals for this battle of the bands. prizes were based on ticket sales, preformance, crowd response ect... For each show of the battle of bands, certain bands won studio time. Who's Your Daddy came in 4th overall. yeah! not too bad for the brown sounds of will, sid and adam of brampton.

they won some studio time from all the shows they played. on day soon they will go in to the studio and record a demo. when that happens there will be more info posted.

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