Spectrum Photos Page 2

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Dave Bordeaux's first Sr. Nat'ls

David Bordeaux at Sr. Nationals in 1999 in Sherbrook, PQ. David show here was named to the team along with Jason Saygnavong where the first of many Spectrum players to be named to the Sr. Provincial team in subsequent years. David has been named to every Provincial team since then. David is The Spectrum Handball God!

P-Wo D-ing it up!

P-town, shown here id one of Spectrum's best defensive players. Phillip won the 1999 Best Defensive player award. Feared by all teams when he is on the court for his quick feet and savy skills on our own 6m line. Phils favorite Defensive move is one he calls the the "Chocolate Chipper". The Chipper was the defensive move that turned the ball over in over-time vs Phoenix A.C. in the semi's in 2002 to put Spectrum into the Finals.

P-Wo D-ing it up!

B-mo is the glue that keeps the team together, Ben exudes confidence on and off the court and is extemly helpfull to new players that come to Spectrum THC. Ben has a wealth of experience being on 5 Sr. Men's Prov. teams, 3 Jr. Men's Prov. teams, and WTHL Champ in '00 with Spartak and almost made the National Pan Am games team in '99.