Spectrum Photo Album page 3

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Photos page 2
Photos page4

Baby Handball

Please sign the guest book with you guess on who you think this young and strong little boy is. He is a current player from Spectrum THC.

If you have pictures of yourself in a Spectrum uniform, and want them up on the site e-mail them to ckauf4@aol.com

Spectrum Defence

Spectrum defence shown here, is one of the most powerful in The W.T.H.L. rarely does an opposing team score more than 25 goals on Spectrum. This Picture was taken during the '04 Semi-finals vs. The Pikeys. The Pikeys won the best of 3 series in 2 close fought games. Picture by Ta

Spectrum Defence

Action shot of Spectrum on Defence vs. Pikeys in '04 semi-finals. Picture by Ta.