The Company shall be known as the "1st Sun Valley Venturer Company and Rover Crew."
aka: "SC-ARES", Scouts Canada Amateur Radio Emergency Services
A) Anyone aged from 14 to 17 years may apply for membership after attending at least 3 meetings. In order to be accepted, applicant's membership must be approved by a majority vote of currently active invested members. Membership is open to females as long as a female advisor is in place or a female adult attends all events (not including regular meetings) with said female youth. The age ranges of 14 to 17 are intended as general guidelines and a variation of one year may be permitted with the approval of the Executive.
B) Rover age members must adhere to and comply with the bylaws of the Company when at Venturers' functions. They have the option of having their own program, events, and bylaws.
C) Every member shall accept the By-Laws on admission.
D) Every member shall adhere to the Aim and Principles of Boy Scouts of Canada, and to the By-Laws, Policies and Procedures of the Organization.
E) Every member shall make the Venturers Promise to the Company on Investiture.
F) In case of leaving, a member should inform the Executive at least one month in advance. If they quit before the end of the Scouting year, they will be kept on the roster as an inactive member until the next registration period.
G) Membership may be reviewed and revoked by the Executive if a member uses alcohol, drugs, tobacco or foul language on any Company or Scouting functions or regularly fails to live up to the Aim and Principles of Boy Scouts of Canada and The Venturer Promise.
H) If a member misses 3 or more meetings in a row without a valid or reasonable excuse, his/her membership may be reviewed.
I) Emotional and physical relationships between members of the Company will not be tolerated in, at, or around Company activities within 1st Sun Valley Venturers. Relationships should never be allowed to interfere with the smooth running of the Company.
A) The Executive Committee (a.k.a. the "Executive") shall consist of the following officers: Past President, President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Historian, Quartermaster, Advisor(s)(non voting)
President, Vice-President and Secretary shall be considered "senior" positions and shall be held only by senior members of the Company.
B) Duties of the Executive Committee:
Past President- to give advice and help the new executive
President- chairs all meetings co-ordinates company activities and attends venturer forums on the company's behalf
Vice-President- acts on behalf of the President in his absence and assumes such other duties as the President may request of him from time to time.
Secretary- keeps attendance records of the company, takes the Company minutes and carries out other tasks requested by the President.
Treasurer- keeps all financial accounts of the Company.
Historian- keeps a Log Book of Company activities.
Quartermaster- keeps a record of Company equipment and ensures its maintenance.
Advisor(s)- helps the Company members and the Executive Committee to achieve their objectives, and is ultimately responsible for Company actions to the sponsoring Group Committee. Advisors have the right to overrule any decision made by the Company (concerning safety and legalities).
A) Nomination of the incoming Executive members shall be undertaken annually in August by a nominating committee called by the Advisor(s) which shall consist of three members of the past Executive.
B) The slate of nominees shall be moved at the first or second business meeting of the year, with a call for further nominations, if any, from the floor, to be followed immediately by an election, with the additional rules:
-only invested members may be elected or vote
-outgoing members of the Company may not vote for the incoming Executive
C) The term of office is for one year.
D) A vacancy occurring in any of the elected positions during a current year shall be filled by appointment of the Executive, subject to the approval of the President.
A) 1st Sun Valley Venturers bank account to be kept at the Toronto Dominion Bank in the Kildonan Crossing Shopping Centre.
B) Cheque signing authorities are as follows:
-two signatures on a cheque in combination of:
1. Two advisors, or 2. One advisor and President, or 3. One advisor and Treasurer 4. One advisor and Vice-President
A) Dues shall be $5.00 per month to be paid by the first meeting of each month from September through June. Prospective members are exempt for their trial period.
B) Members late in paying dues without a reasonable excuse will be assessed a $1.00 penalty per week that they are late.
A) Our Venturer "Class A" uniform will be the Scouts Canada Venturer uniform as per the Canadian Venturer and Rover Handbook. The 1st Sun Valley Venturers have opted to wear the traditional Group neckerchief with the uniform.
B) "Class A" Uniform is to be worn at all ceremonies and formal activities.
C) "Class A" Uniform is to be worn on public transportation when on Scouting activities.
D) Informal dress ("Class B" uniform) will be group t-shirt/sweatshirt/jacket, and amended as required.
E) At all public activities, the "Class B" uniform will be required unless the "Class A" uniform is chosen to be worn instead.
F) "Class B" uniform is to be worn at all Venturer meetings.
A) The Company/Crew will endeavour to live according to the Aim and Principles of Boy Scouts of Canada, to live by the Venturer/Rover Promise, and to design activities that will enable all members to achieve the Venturer/Rover Program Objectives as described in the Canadian Venturer and Rover Handbooks.
B) The entire Company/Crew shall have a business meeting every Thursday from September to April. Meeting dates can be flexible if conflicts in scheduling arise. Meetings from May to August will be on an as required basis.
C) Activity committees will be formed and will be responsible for organizing special activities.
D) No electronic devices are to be brought to any meetings, camps, outings, etc. unless needed for other purposes by the discretion of the Executive.
A) The By-Laws will be reviewed bi-annually in September and January by the members and Advisor(s).
B) A two-thirds majority vote of all accepted members is required to give approval to any Amendments to the By-Laws.
C) New amendments will be shown in bold italics until the by-laws are amended again.