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Welcome to East Hills Scouts Pipes & Drums
The only scout pipe band in Australia
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May 2003 News: The dynamic and energetic Liverpool Pipe Band have started trekking to nearby Revesby to help tutor the Scout Pipe Band on Wednesday nights.

Want to learn to play the bagpipes or drums?

Although a knowledge of music is not required to begin, it is essential that all learners receive a solid grounding in basic musical techniques before going on to learn popular pipe band tunes. Mastering these basics is sometimes difficult and often boring. But the benefits of working through this are worth all the effort otherwise I would not be writing this. The most important factor controlling the learning speed is the interest of the student to learn.

Learning the BAGPIPES: The first period is spent mastering bagpipe fingering on a practice chanter. Then the student tackles the task of learning to play the full set of bagpipes. This is followed by a final period of stabilizing breathing and tone, learning to maintain and tune the instrument and refining musical technique.
Member's resource: The East Hills Scouts Pipes & Drums Music Book

Learning the DRUMS: Students can choose to play Bass, Tenor and/or Snare drums. The first period is spent mastering basic rudiments. Then the student starts learning to play basic mass band scores. This is followed by improving speed and learning variations of beatings and refining musical technique.

Tutoring: $2 per week.
Tutoring and band practice is scheduled according to the NSW school term calendar. There is no tutoring or practice during school holidays.

E-mail inquiries about the band will be directed to the Band Secretary via the following e-mail