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Character Background Survey

Here is the survey I asked my players to fill out to help them learn more about their characters and so that I could learn how to fuck with them (MWAHAHA!! *ahem* 'scuse me...) I haven't figured out how to make it so you can fill out the survey and save it, so I'll just put of the questions for now. You could just get a piece of paper and fill it out. I know the survey's a little all over the place, but hey what can you do. I think this will help anyone who plays a Vampire character, Sabbat or no. Just skip any questions you don't find relevant, or don't want to answer. Have fun! (note: after the first couple questions, it is assumed that you are answering the questions in character i.e. parent's names? is assumed to be character's parent's names. just so there's not confusion.)

1.Player name
2.Character name
3.Character's real name (if different and why)
4.Date of character's birth
5.Date of character's embrace
6.How did you "die" mundanely? (i.e. faked death, missing person etc)
7.Parent's names?
8.Did you have any siblings? How many?
9.What is your zodiac sign?
10.What city/town did you grow up in?
11.What kind of income did your family have? (i.e. lower, middle, high)
12.What kind of jobs have you had? (if any)

1.List eye, hair, skin tone (fair, medium, dark)
2.Do you have any identifying marks? (scars, tattoos,piercings) If yes, why? (i.e. where did you get the scar?)
3.What is your favorite color? Food? Movie? T.V. show? Actor? Animal?
5.What's your pet peeve? (i.e. people who chew their nails, etc)
6.What's your favorite pastime?
7.What's your least favorite thing to do? (i.e. dishes)
8.What special skills do you have? (abilities, i.e. painting)
9.What are your hobbies? (i.e. stamp collecting)
10.Did you have a pet before the embrace? Do you have one now? What is/was it's name etc.?
11.Have you ever done time? (i.e. juvie, jail)
12.Do you still eat food? If yes, what? How do you eat it? (i.e. mix blood in it)
13.What path do you follow? What made you join this path? Who introduced you to it?
14.Describe your path in your own words.
15.Where do you sleep? List your haven(s)and a brief description. (include your room at the pack haven)
16.Have you had any contact with anyone in the neighborhood/community?
17.Describe the happiest day of your life and unlife.
18.Describe the worst day of your life and unlife.
19.What religion are you? What religion, if any, were you raised under?
20.Are you still practicing? Does religion still impact your life even if you're not practicing?
21.Describe your character's religion from their point of view. Does it meld with your path?
22.If you won a million dollars, what would you do with it?
23.Does your character have I.D.? How did you get it? If not, how do you get by without it?

1.What is your sexual orientation?
2.Did you lose your virginity? When? With who? Did you enjoy it?
3.How often did you have sex before the embrace? After?
4.Are you dominant or submissive?
5.Do you still enjoy sex? (not necessarily intercourse)
6.What are your character's views on sex?
7.Has your character ever experienced any kind of sexual trauma? If yes, how did you cope with it? Did it change your views on sex?
8.What if your character's most perverted fantasy?
9.Were you ever married/in a serious relationship?

1.What level of education do you have?
2.What courses did you take?
3.Were you popular in school? Why?
4.What kind of grades did you get?
5. Were you involved in any extracurricular activities?
6.What was your favorite/least favorite class? Why?
7.What was your most embarasssing school moment?

1.Who did you live with as a child?
2.Did you get along with your family? Why?
3.Is there anyone in your family that you got along with particularly well? (i.e. cousin, brother etc) Why?
4.Who did you kill in your creation rites?
5.Did you experience any kind of childhood trauma? How did you cope with it?
6.Have you ever been in therapy? (i.e. guidance counsellor/psychiatrist) Did it do anything for you? (help or hinder?)
7.What is your darkest childhood secret?
8.What was your deepest childhood fear?
9.Who was your first crush?

1.Did you kill any people/animals before your embrace?
2.How many people has your character killed? (total before and after embrace)
3.How many animals?
4.How did you kill them? (what's your M.O.?) If there is more then one way, what's your favorite?
5.Why do you kill?
6.Describe your first kill. Include physical details as well as emotional state.

1.What is your character's daily schedule?
2.How does your character go about mundane business? (i.e. entertainment, bill payments etc)
3.What kind of music does your character like?
4.What part of the game do you like best as a player?
5. What part of the game do you like least?
6.How can the game be improved?

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