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First Wave: The Winnipeg Crusade

Welcome to the website for what was the only Sabbat-Only LARP chronicle in the city of Winnipeg. Below, you will find links leading to descriptions of some of our characters in the LARP and other various tidbits.

The story so far...

The Sabbat muckety mucks decided, in their infinite wisdom, that they NEEDED to take over Winnipeg, Manitoba. This is largely due to the fact that it's right smack dab in the center of North America. EVERYONE passes through here at one point or another, and they wanted to make sure that they could personally greet each and every one of 'em...with a chainsaw...

They got their collective heads together, and came up with a small group of upstarts to begin the long, and drawn-out process. Even the Sabbat have red tape...

The first step is getting rid of the local Camarilla. They might be useless, stupid sheep, but they've got a hold on the place, and won't give it up that easily.

Our heroes have had some unfortunate setbacks, however, what with their lack of training and "street smarts". The Meat Rack (as they've been dubbed, because that's what eveybody ends up on when they're done) being pulled together, and whipped (literally, we've got polaroids) into shape by our Illustrious Archbishop Illyana Charlemagne (see below).

SO! That said, sit back, try and relax (I've heard valium does wonders), and have a look at some of our characters, past and present. OH! If you care, there's a copy of the "Winnipeg Times", our fictional, yet informative in-game newspaper.

Should you decide that you actually want to talk to me for one reason or another, feel free to send me e-mail at the link provided below.

NOTE: Due to real life interference (goddamn that real life shit, huh?) the game is now on hold. Don't give up hope yet! Themailing list is still (somewhat) active, and you're welcome to join. we send little stories once in a while just to keep up the feel of the characters. Join in, if you have a character that you'd like to write a story or six about, or if you just wanna read and revel in the sick fuckery that is wpgsabbat. Hope to see you there!

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Characters and Such (in no particular order)

Illyana Charlemagne
Michel DuBois
The Reverend Myers
Arrianna DesRosiers
Joshua Echs
Sterling Peebles
Chip Stone
Angela Muerte
The Winnipeg Times
Character Background Questionnaire
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