This years corn roast will include supper with pork, corn and a variety of salads and a dance floor that will be full with great music.
The ranch rodieo will also be held the same weekend.
History of the Corn Roast
The first Corn Roast was held in 1954 at Art and Lucy Lindell’s barn. There was a Sat. night dance planned for Labour Day weekend, unfortunately there was a boxing match in town that night. After some convincing Art agreed to hold a Corn Roast instead. On Sun. evening the Corn Roast was held from 10p.m.-12p.m. with a midnight dance to follow. The event turned out to be a success and was held annually with around 400 admissions each year it was usually the last event of the season.
The Corn Roast turned out to be profitable each year, the only problem was some years it was difficult to locate the 1,200 to 1,500 good corn cobs. There was plenty of food served each year including sandwiches, homemade bread & buns, garden tomatoes, pickles, cakes, cookies and coffee.
After 10 years the Lindells moved closer to town and the Community Club took the dance and supper over. It was moved to the rink where it is held to this day.