Winamp Skins
I made these so if you want to use them just email me. Thanks. By the way on all of these I am using the Sexy Font plugin.
-Main- -Skins- -Skins 2- -Skins 3-
This is 1st in a series of wedding dresses. This is from a picture with them all wearing
dresses. It's ok but it could have been better. The playlist writing
is a little
hard to read and the buttons are hard too see.
This is 2nd in the wedding dress series. This is from the same image as above except
it's Hikaru. I like this one even less then the Fuu one. Her head is just
way to big.
This is 3rd in the wedding dress series. This is from the same image as above except
it's Umi. I actually like this one, but still it's not that great.
I made this skin because I was
playing around with a skin creator and I though it turned
out pretty well so I
kept it. I actually like it a lot more than I thought I would.