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Winamp Skins

I made these so if you want to use them just email me. Thanks. By the way  on all of these I am using the Sexy Font plugin.

-Main-  -Skins-  -Skins 2-  -Skins 3-

Title:  Lantis Eyes

I saw this picture from the OAV series and though it would make a good Winamp skin.  
I happy with everything but the playlist editor (it kinda sucks).








Title: Step!

I got this image from my one of the pictures I scanned and I deleted the background and 
changed it.  I think it came out really well for my 2nd Lantis one.








Title: OAV Clef

Another creative title.  I like this picture of the OAV Clef so it turned into a Winamp skin.  
I like this one even the playlist (though it could be better).  








-Main-  -Skins-  -Skins 2-  -Skins 3-