Chapter 14
Kriss picked up her fries and munched on them one by one as the rest of
the family started on their meals. All of the sudden she had an eerie
feeling as though she was being watched. She looked out the restaurant
window into the electronics store. As she looked a head of blonde hair
ducked from her view. She felt like she recognized that person, but who
did she know in Tulsa, so she went back to eating.
Isaac and Zac followed Taylor as he ran out of the store. "Man Tay,
why'd you make us leave? I was on the 5th level of Star Fox!",Zac
excliamed. "Um, Zac, didn't you start the game on level 4?",Isaac interupted.
"So, it took me awhile to get to level 5, It's hard to stop killing yourself
when you keep running into the ground..",Zac said as Taylor was in a daze.
"Tay, geea man, what happened, you look like you saw a ghost..",Isaac
said as he reached out to Taylor's shoulder. "Boogedy Boogedy Boo!",Zac
yelled as he spunn around Taylor and people stared. "Oh, don't mind him",
Isaac said as he pointed to Zac, "He forgot to take his Prozac today."
"Did you mention my name Ikey Poos?",Zac said curiously. "Yea, I was saying
to those people that you are the best brother in the world!",Isaac said
with a fake smile. Zac just turned around. "So Tay, what did you see?",Isaac
asked. "I know, he saw Zordon! Tell him Alpha is sleeping over tonight and
I filled up the Zords..he's owes me 578 dollars!",Zac said jokingly. Taylor
walked as Isaac and Zac cracked jokes, he still couldn't believe who he
had seen. Was Kris stalking them? Did she plan to do more stuff to them?
Had he really seen her?
My Radical Links
Speechless (My Hanson Story)
Chapter 15